Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Viking Hall of Famer arrested.

From the Strib:

Former Minnesota Vikings great Carl Eller was arrested by Minneapolis police early this morning after he allegedly assaulted two police officers who stopped him for suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

I actually met the Hall of Famer in person a few years ago at the Minneapolis Auto Show. When I reached out to shake his hand, my hand literally disappeared. So my first question when reading that opening paragraph was ”Are the cops OK?”

Police have not said how seriously the officers involved were hurt, but an incident report indicated that one officer sustained a bruise and a second an "apparent minor injury."

Given the high-speed incident which took place a couple of years ago, this latest scrape will likely land Eller in more hot water.

He pled guilty to fourth-degree drunken driving after the State Patrol arrested him for going 97 miles per hour on westbound Interstate Hwy. 394 near Hwy. 100 on Feb. 28, 2006.

He was sentenced to five days of community service and two years' probation for that offense.


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