Listen to the Northern Alliance Radio Network tomorrow on AM 1280 The Patriot. Official details will be released at about 2:30 pm.
"Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?" - epitaph of Leonard Ravenhill
Sadly I was not the winner. I know. Given the uncanny likeness, I think it’s fair to say I was robbed. Oh well, I was a good sport about the whole thing.
At 1:00 pm, I sat in on Volume II of the NARN. Mitch Berg and Captain Ed Morrissey spoke mostly of the tragic story out of Saint Paul where 5-10 witnesses did not intervene during a sexual assault in an apartment hallway. I then went on the air to share the story of how I lived on that exact floor more than twenty years ago and how much the neighborhood has changed since.
I didn’t hear much of the second hour due to the parade going down Judson Street in front of the Patriot booth.
At about 3:30 we decided to go visit some of the animal barns. On our way we happened by the “Al Franken for Senate” booth. Franken himself was there holding a snooze fest meeting where he discussed his platform. Given some of Stuart Smalley’s Franken's ideas to expand government, I held on tightly to my wallet as I walked past. I only wish I had been there a half hour earlier when he was accosted by fellow MOB-ster Swiftee. Apparently Swiftee and his wife had poor Al sputtering when asking him about radio station Air America being bailed out by raiding a New York City charity.
Finally, it’s 5:00. After 1 ½ servings of cheese curds, two pronto pups, three bites of a wild rice burger and a chocolate shake from the U of M dairy bar, it was time to head home.
As is usually the case, it was a wonderful day at the great Minnesota get-together!!
Unfortunately, no such ball was available.
Alas, the evening wasn’t a total loss. I’ll have you know that I rolled a 298!!! Of course, it took me three games to accumulate that total. The first two, I had scores of 89 and 85. But I finished the night strong with a 124.
I have to say, this was the first time I have ever bowled in an environment where there was artificial fog and a laser light show. I didn’t know if I was there to bowl or to revisit the disco era.
I’m due to bowl again in the year 2021.
That one has to be my favorite!
It is the only time in Carlson family history that my Dad has been with all four of his kids at one time. This historic occurrence took place in December 1989 when the entire family gathered together to celebrate Grandma & Grandpa Carlson’s 50th wedding anniversary.
I may have to break out that Cubs jersey this Fall!!
Given that I haven’t worn it in fourteen years I’ll be lucky if I could fit one arm in it.