I have been bogged down lately at the job, even traveled this past week to the thriving metropolis that is Tulsa, OK. As such, posting has been lite for the past 10 days.
So. 2016, huh? An equally historic and bizarre year. For me personally, I had a great year! While I had some personal challenges (4 months unemployed in the spring being the most notable), I felt it was a blessed year in terms of the strengthening of my faith as well as making some new friendships. Also, I produced 271 posts on this blog, which is the second biggest annual total in this site's 12-year history.
Anyhow, I'm not nearly an ambitious enough writer to compile "Year in Review" posts, so I will look back at 2016 on tomorrow's radio show.
With that, I wish you all a blessed 2017 and look forward to continuing to share my perspectives on current events via this blog. Thanks as always for indulging me in this crazy little hobby called "blogging."
"Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?" - epitaph of Leonard Ravenhill
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Left-ism: Still a mental disorder
Donald Trump is still four weeks away from officially becoming President of the United States yet many kook leftists are convinced he's already inflicted serious damage to America. Unfortunately Trump's family is now in the proverbial cross hairs.
Right? Kinda tough to fluff that ol' narrative of the Trumps being elitist and out of touch with regular Americans when Ivanka and her family are sitting in the coach section of a cross country flight. Don't the Trumps realize they can sit in first class apart from the hoi polloi?
Opinion? Yeah, see the jig is up with that one. Your husband kinda gave away your motive via his Twitter account.
While no self-respecting leftist web sites, publications, etc. would even think to justify the behavior of that insufferable jerk, they sure as heck don't dole out the rhetorical flogging reserved for unruly Trump supporters.
And finally, it's extremely gratifying to show leftists how utterly ridiculous they are by using their own chanting points against them.
Ivanka Trump and her three children were harassed by a fellow passenger Thursday on a flight out of New York.
An “out-of-control passenger” was “verbally berating” the 35-year-old daughter of President-elect Donald Trump and “jeering” at her children, according to TMZ.
“Your father is ruining the country,” the JetBlue passenger said to Trump, the entertainment news site reports.
“Why is she on our flight? She should be riding private,” the man, who was apparently holding his own kid in his arms, then exclaimed.
Right? Kinda tough to fluff that ol' narrative of the Trumps being elitist and out of touch with regular Americans when Ivanka and her family are sitting in the coach section of a cross country flight. Don't the Trumps realize they can sit in first class apart from the hoi polloi?
Another passenger on the flight out of John F. Kennedy International Airport told the site that Trump “ignored the guy and tried distracting her kids with crayons” before the man was escorted off the flight. As he was removed, the man reportedly yelled, “You’re kicking me off for expressing my opinion?”
Opinion? Yeah, see the jig is up with that one. Your husband kinda gave away your motive via his Twitter account.
Deleted but... pic.twitter.com/WQo4UBD3Zh— ScottInSC (@ScottInSC) December 22, 2016
While no self-respecting leftist web sites, publications, etc. would even think to justify the behavior of that insufferable jerk, they sure as heck don't dole out the rhetorical flogging reserved for unruly Trump supporters.
Isn't it amazing how fast the word "harassed" disappears from their vocabulary. pic.twitter.com/CqKyCU8jH3— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) December 22, 2016
And finally, it's extremely gratifying to show leftists how utterly ridiculous they are by using their own chanting points against them.
So is harassing a woman on a JetBlue flight to explain what you don't like about her father the ultimate mansplaining or nah?— Peter Hasson (@peterjhasson) December 22, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Apparently MTV scrounged up some condescending, douchey millennials to lecture white guys on how to "do better" in 2017.
Uh, yeah, thanks for the recommendations you impudent little twerps. However, I think I'll stick to my initial 2017 resolution, which is to drop about 15-20 pounds. So if it's any consolation, I will become less of a "white guy".....physically that is.
Uh, yeah, thanks for the recommendations you impudent little twerps. However, I think I'll stick to my initial 2017 resolution, which is to drop about 15-20 pounds. So if it's any consolation, I will become less of a "white guy".....physically that is.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Gotta have faith
Does anyone recall the 1986 Geraldo Rivera TV special The Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults? The premise of Rivera's show was to provide background of Chicago's most notorious gangster (Capone) and the hotel where he conducted business before his incarceration. When this hotel was to be renovated in the 1980s, some secret corridors were discovered. After about an hour and 50 minutes of Rivera et al sharing anecdotes about Capone, the show was to culminate with the underground tunnels being excavated to reveal....what? Perhaps dead bodies?!?! Valuables?!?! Upon the vaults being opened, I believe an empty bottle was all that was found. A woefully disappointed Rivera confirmed there was nothing salacious. This was a veritable 4th of July fireworks show whose grand finale was a mere bottle rocket.
I bring this all up because the hype surrounding the Electoral College casting its votes for President was almost as insufferable yet also yielded little drama.
What's most hilarious is that Mrs. Clinton had more faithless electors than Trump.
How ironic that one faithless elector in Washington voted for someone named Faith.
I digress.
When Republicans were shellacked in 2012, the RNC compiled an "autopsy report" to determine what went wrong and thus devise a strategy to win future elections. The Dems, however, can't seem to be bothered with such introspection. The phrase "Dead, but too dumb to lie down" seems apropos here.
I bring this all up because the hype surrounding the Electoral College casting its votes for President was almost as insufferable yet also yielded little drama.
Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote on Monday and secured his election as the 45th president of the United States, as the latest – and perhaps last – stop-Trump movement failed to gain traction in state capitals (sic).
A fervent push by anti-Trump forces to persuade electors to defect had turned the normally mundane civic procedure into high drama.
But Trump easily surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win, as representatives tabbed to cast ballots in accordance with their states’ Nov. 8 decision mostly adhered to the election results. After all the states had voted, Trump finished with 304 votes and Clinton had 227.
Texas put Trump over the top, despite two Republican electors casting protest votes.
What's most hilarious is that Mrs. Clinton had more faithless electors than Trump.
One of the biggest deviations was in Washington state, where three electors voted for Colin Powell and one voted for “Faith Spotted Eagle;” the remaining eight went to Clinton, the state’s winner.
How ironic that one faithless elector in Washington voted for someone named Faith.
I digress.
Celebrities made public appeals to electors to use the arcane process to upend Trump’s victory, as some Democratic electors tried to persuade their Republican counterparts to defect. Reports that U.S. intelligence officials determined Russia interfered in the election to boost Trump – findings disputed by Trump himself – only fueled efforts to wield the Electoral College vote as a political circuit-breaker.
As electors met, thousands of protesters descended on state capitals Monday in one last push to convince Trump voters to change their minds.
In Arizona, dozens of protesters gathered outside the meeting site, marching around the Capitol mall and carrying signs that said, "Stop Trump." More than 200 demonstrators gathered at Pennsylvania's Capitol, chanting, "No treason, no Trump!"
When Republicans were shellacked in 2012, the RNC compiled an "autopsy report" to determine what went wrong and thus devise a strategy to win future elections. The Dems, however, can't seem to be bothered with such introspection. The phrase "Dead, but too dumb to lie down" seems apropos here.
Monday, December 19, 2016
No hope
At age 44 in 2008, Michelle Obama proclaimed she was proud of her country for the first time in her adult lifetime. Her husband of course was elected President several months later and was reelected in 2012. In what was her final interview as First Lady, Mrs. Obama reveals that apparently the statute of limitations on pride in her country expires next month as she and her husband leave the White House for good.
While I've strongly disagreed with Mrs. Obama's political leanings, I felt she, for the most part, handled being First Lady with dignity and decorum. But I have to admit that reading this excerpt of her interview with Oprah makes me quite angry. No, it's not because of the passive aggressive swipe at the incoming Trump administration. As I've said many times on this blog, I'm not all that enthused about the new occupants of the White House myself. But to suggest that the only way to have "hope" or give your kids "hope" is based upon who is President of the United States is stunningly arrogant. I submit that putting faith in a political philosophy (i.e. left-ism) run by those who believe they're our betters will always leave folks disappointed.
The insinuation that people in this country should now feel hopeless because Obama is leaving office is also an insult to those who voted for Trump and another validation as to why they supported him. I wonder how the First Lady would respond to those who felt hopeless during her husband's administration. After all, many Americans felt their standard of living decreased due in large part to Barack Obama's policies. And many were made to feel ashamed of freely practicing their religion or legally owning a gun due to the condescending tone struck by Mr. Obama. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Oprah really didn't approach that line of inquiry.
Bottom line is if you believe the only way to feel "hope" is based upon who is sitting in the Oval Office, I contend that you are doing life incorrectly.
With fewer than 40 days remaining as first lady, Michelle Obama is continuing to reflect on the legacy she and President Obama will leave after having occupied the White House for the last eight years. In a new interview with Oprah Winfrey, the first lady addressed the election outcome and suggested that the U.S. is entering a time of hopelessness.
“We are feeling what not having hope feels like,” Obama told Winfrey in response to a question about whether President Obama had achieved the “hope and change” he promised while campaigning in 2008. As she often did while campaigning for Hillary Clinton, she didn’t mention President-elect Donald Trump by name. But she alluded to the contrast many in the country are feeling since he won the election last month. “We feel the difference now,” she said, noting that her husband had succeeded in keeping his campaign promise of fostering hope. “Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept,” she elaborated. “And Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believed that … what else do you have if you don’t have hope? What do you give your kids if you can’t give them hope?”
While I've strongly disagreed with Mrs. Obama's political leanings, I felt she, for the most part, handled being First Lady with dignity and decorum. But I have to admit that reading this excerpt of her interview with Oprah makes me quite angry. No, it's not because of the passive aggressive swipe at the incoming Trump administration. As I've said many times on this blog, I'm not all that enthused about the new occupants of the White House myself. But to suggest that the only way to have "hope" or give your kids "hope" is based upon who is President of the United States is stunningly arrogant. I submit that putting faith in a political philosophy (i.e. left-ism) run by those who believe they're our betters will always leave folks disappointed.
The insinuation that people in this country should now feel hopeless because Obama is leaving office is also an insult to those who voted for Trump and another validation as to why they supported him. I wonder how the First Lady would respond to those who felt hopeless during her husband's administration. After all, many Americans felt their standard of living decreased due in large part to Barack Obama's policies. And many were made to feel ashamed of freely practicing their religion or legally owning a gun due to the condescending tone struck by Mr. Obama. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Oprah really didn't approach that line of inquiry.
Bottom line is if you believe the only way to feel "hope" is based upon who is sitting in the Oval Office, I contend that you are doing life incorrectly.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
They want to see my Fairlane up on blocks......
The temperature likely won't get above zero, so I'll have to bring the heat on today's edition of The Closer. The one-hour festivities begin at 2:00 PM Central Time.
No guests scheduled, so I will be taking a look at the leftist push for GOP electors to not vote for Trump. I'll also weigh in on allegations of Russian cyber attacks as well as recent profiles in leftist "fake news."
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
No guests scheduled, so I will be taking a look at the leftist push for GOP electors to not vote for Trump. I'll also weigh in on allegations of Russian cyber attacks as well as recent profiles in leftist "fake news."
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
Thursday, December 15, 2016
But it's *our* fake news
Several hours into CNN's Election Night coverage last month, lefty commentator Van Jones resigned himself to the fact that Donald Trump would be elected President. Upon that realization, Jones claimed to have received text messages from some Muslim friends who apparently were fearful they would be forced to leave America. Said fears stemmed from Trump's pledge to temporarily disallow immigration of Muslims into the U.S. until a more stringent vetting process of Syrian refugees could be put into place. While Trump didn't convey the most articulate portrayal of his position, the media fluffed a narrative that almost seemed to suggest he would revoke the U.S. citizenship of anyone practicing the Muslim faith, to say nothing of allowing Muslims to immigrate here.
Interesting that many of the same outlets who were all indignant over the epidemic of "fake news" were so quick to run with this story despite there being little to no verifiable evidence. Stephen Miller of HeatStreet noticed this, too.
Dunno about that. After all, hubris is a helluva drug.
So when unverifiable affronts have occurred against Muslims since Trump's election, the alleged incidents are seemingly beyond reproach. Just over a week ago, newly elected Minnesota state rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-Minneapolis) claimed a Washington D.C. taxi cab driver called her "ISIS" and threatened to remove her hijab. However, she took to social media to recount the incident as opposed to immediately alerting D.C. authorities or the cab company. She has since indicated that once she returned to Minneapolis she got around to filing a report. Am I saying Omar's story is untrue? Not necessarily. But I agree with my friend Walter Hudson that it doesn't quite pass the proverbial smell test.
Less than a week before Omar's alleged incident, there was an 18-year Muslim woman who claimed she was accosted by three intoxicated white guys. The young woman, Yasmin Seweid, also said the men yelled "Trump!" while also attempting to rip the hijab from her head. Once again, many media outlets ran with the story while also stoking fear that this will become commonplace in "Trump's America."
Alas, the Sewied incident has recently been revealed to be a hoax.
On Wednesday, two weeks after the alleged attack, Seweid was arrested on misdemeanor charges of filing a false report and obstructing government administration, New York Police Department spokesman Adam Navarro told The Washington Post.
Navarro said he could not comment on the circumstances surrounding Seweid’s arrest. But the Daily News and DNAinfo, citing anonymous police sources, reported that Seweid admitted to police she fabricated her story because she was having family troubles at home.
Interesting that many of the same outlets who were all indignant over the epidemic of "fake news" were so quick to run with this story despite there being little to no verifiable evidence. Stephen Miller of HeatStreet noticed this, too.
(S)ince Donald Trump’s election, social media users have been bombarded by a finger wagging media about a flood of fake news and misinformation spreading online which, the media claims. But the media isn’t taking a long hard look at themselves and asking how and why “fake news” has gained the audience it has. With little to no discretion and all too eager to push anti-Trump narratives, these news organizations hit the publish button on Seweid’s story with little to no hedging that, at that point, all they had was her account. And its faith in the story dies hard. When Buzzfeed published the story of Seweid’s arrest on Wednesday, the headline read “Woman Arrested For Allegedly Making Up Story of NY Subway Attack by Trump Supporters”, carrying more skepticism in the fact that she was arrested for fabricating the story, than Buzzfeed gave to its original report.
These editors, apparently not convinced that Donald Trump provides enough real life clickbait content, rushed off to prove their desired narrative of rampant Islamophobia and hate crimes. If newsroom editors want to lament the spread of fake news, perhaps they can start with how they and their journalists handled the Yasmin Seweid case. Likewise with rape victims in the viral media cases of Emma Sulkowicz, the University of Virginia Greek system or Duke Lacrosse, all this does is undermine their own narratives and most importantly real victims.
Maybe mainstream news outlets and networks will figure this out sometime into President Donald Trump’s second term.
Dunno about that. After all, hubris is a helluva drug.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Our betters still know better, or something
I've never heard of Duane Townsend, a "life-long resident of Detroit, MI" and supposed "experienced observer" of politics. But if Mr. Townsend is a microcosm of today's "progressive" movement, the 2016 election cycle may only be a beginning of that movement's repudiation.
He starts off his piece at The Hill with digs at those in "flyover land" who overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump.
There are very few things which come across as more insanely arrogant than someone projecting what is in someone else's "interests." And while "flyover residents" may be justified in feeling disrespect from our government, abandonment is, to a certain extent, what is actually sought. It is the working class's desire for government to cease with burdensome regulations that are crippling their livelihoods as well as the unprecedented overreach into their health insurance. And since the Federal government has gotten its mitts into the student loan industry, working class Americans are further hampered from saving the ample amount of money for their kids' post high school education.
I'm not going to Fisk the whole thing, so definitely read it in its entirety if you have built up a strong tolerance for unearned condescension. However, there are a couple of other paragraphs I want to specifically address.
Aside from that being patently false, it's classic lefty projection. There have been numerous examples of people of the Christian faith being persecuted by the "Gay-stapo" and other "progressive" groups for choosing not to violate their collective conscience (e.g. declining to cater same-sex weddings). Again, the vast majority of us Christians seek to live our faith and thus have no interest in making our fellow Americans acquiesce via legislative fiat.
Mr. Townsend ends this screed as it began: with insufferable smugness.
Apparently Mr. Townsend preferred that this country would have elected a regressive, wealthy demagogue (i.e. Hillary Clinton) who was firmly entrenched in "the system." Sucks to be him.
He starts off his piece at The Hill with digs at those in "flyover land" who overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump.
A flyover state is the huge region between the coasts. As opposed to the eastern seaboard, northern post-industrial states and Pacific Ocean states. They’re overwhelmingly Republican, stanchly (sic) conservative, regressive right wing, evangelical Christian and working class, well, the loudest, most ill-informed of them are. The term wasn’t commonly used in a political manner until recently with the emergence of the Tea Party and the election of Obama.
A visit to Wichita, Kan., isn’t on the bucket list of many Americans. Whereas most travelers fly over Fayetteville, Ark., and Springfield, Mo. They’re not destination spots. The flyover state gripe has nothing to do with the tourist industry of Oklahoma or Nebraska or Iowa. This is about their perceived feelings of abandonment and disrespect from their government. Never mind they’ve elected local, state and national representatives that should reflect their values and interests.
There are very few things which come across as more insanely arrogant than someone projecting what is in someone else's "interests." And while "flyover residents" may be justified in feeling disrespect from our government, abandonment is, to a certain extent, what is actually sought. It is the working class's desire for government to cease with burdensome regulations that are crippling their livelihoods as well as the unprecedented overreach into their health insurance. And since the Federal government has gotten its mitts into the student loan industry, working class Americans are further hampered from saving the ample amount of money for their kids' post high school education.
I'm not going to Fisk the whole thing, so definitely read it in its entirety if you have built up a strong tolerance for unearned condescension. However, there are a couple of other paragraphs I want to specifically address.
(Trump voters are) delusional in their belief that their views are more important, more valid, more ethical, and more patriotic than any other groups. They claim American Christian values, home, God and country. White values. Any dissenting viewpoints are taken as literal acts of war.
Anyone who questions the narrow vision of Middle America Christian values, being forced on 325 million people of multiple cultures, religions, no religion, and a mosaic of ethnicities, is deemed ungodly and un-American.
It’s clear cultural fascism.
Aside from that being patently false, it's classic lefty projection. There have been numerous examples of people of the Christian faith being persecuted by the "Gay-stapo" and other "progressive" groups for choosing not to violate their collective conscience (e.g. declining to cater same-sex weddings). Again, the vast majority of us Christians seek to live our faith and thus have no interest in making our fellow Americans acquiesce via legislative fiat.
Mr. Townsend ends this screed as it began: with insufferable smugness.
To Trump voters: You allowed your bigotry and anger at the system to be cynically exploited yet again, by regressive, wealthy demagogues. I have little sympathy for you. I for one will not be contorting myself to "give Trump a chance" or seek common ground with you.
You need healing, not allies.
Apparently Mr. Townsend preferred that this country would have elected a regressive, wealthy demagogue (i.e. Hillary Clinton) who was firmly entrenched in "the system." Sucks to be him.
Deferring to the village
In the aftermath of Donald Trump being elected President, a lot of lefty parents had downright freak outs. Perhaps the most common phrase uttered was "How do I explain this to my children?!?!?!"
When I initially heard that query, the first thought which came to my mind was what in the world were you telling the kids before Election Day? It's not like a President of the United States has this unchecked power which allows him/her to run roughshod over America by implementing whatever policies he/she so desires (To be fair, many of these hysterical parents were likely supporters of President Barack Obama, thus they naturally assumed this country has an imperial presidency).
Ali Wentworth, the wife of ABC news guy (and former Bill Clinton staffer) George Stephanopoulos, shared some anecdotes of dealing with the couple's two daughters (ages 11 and 14) upon Trump emerging victorious.
So if their pal Hillary had won, was ISIS going to somehow become less scary? And was it that important to have a Commander in Chief who believes killing a baby in utero be deemed sacrosanct? Well, guess what? It looks as though you'll actually have to be parents by showing your own strength and conviction to the kids. Yes, I know this is a world in peril and that Mom & Dad may have their own anxieties about how to proceed with life in addition to being effective in child rearing. But this idea that parenting will become so much easier if your preferred political candidate wins is utterly ludicrous.
I guess the one surefire recommendation to soothe the kids' trepidation over a President Trump would be a lesson in Federalism and Separation of Powers. Of course it might behoove the parents to indulge in a refresher (or perhaps introductory) course themselves.
When I initially heard that query, the first thought which came to my mind was what in the world were you telling the kids before Election Day? It's not like a President of the United States has this unchecked power which allows him/her to run roughshod over America by implementing whatever policies he/she so desires (To be fair, many of these hysterical parents were likely supporters of President Barack Obama, thus they naturally assumed this country has an imperial presidency).
Ali Wentworth, the wife of ABC news guy (and former Bill Clinton staffer) George Stephanopoulos, shared some anecdotes of dealing with the couple's two daughters (ages 11 and 14) upon Trump emerging victorious.
“I have an eleven-year-old daughter who doesn’t really understand what ISIS is but she knows that she is scared and she is now sleeping in bed with us every night,” Wentworth said.
“Yeah, so what do you do? You got little girls, you see what’s happening,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg responded. “What can you say to other parents who are at their wit’s end with their children who are scared, and they’re also scared as adults?”
Wentworth responded to Goldberg before she continued describing the distress her children have felt since election night.
“It just involves my fourteen-year-old getting upset about the election and screaming ‘no abortions’ really loudly,” Wentworth recalled.
So if their pal Hillary had won, was ISIS going to somehow become less scary? And was it that important to have a Commander in Chief who believes killing a baby in utero be deemed sacrosanct? Well, guess what? It looks as though you'll actually have to be parents by showing your own strength and conviction to the kids. Yes, I know this is a world in peril and that Mom & Dad may have their own anxieties about how to proceed with life in addition to being effective in child rearing. But this idea that parenting will become so much easier if your preferred political candidate wins is utterly ludicrous.
I guess the one surefire recommendation to soothe the kids' trepidation over a President Trump would be a lesson in Federalism and Separation of Powers. Of course it might behoove the parents to indulge in a refresher (or perhaps introductory) course themselves.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Hacks now concerned about hacking
Newsflash: Potential Russian interference in this most recent U.S. Election and Donald Trump legitimately winning the Presidency are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Nevertheless, there is a movement for Presidential Electors to be given intelligence briefings on the potential hacks prior to casting their ballots.
Hey, welcome to the party Mr. Podesta! When then presidential candidate Mitt Romney indicated in a 2012 debate with President Barack Obama that Russia was out biggest geopolitical foe, Obama et al mocked him for being entrenched in 1980s foreign policy. But now that the Russia angle can be made to fit a certain narrative (i.e. Trump being illegitimately elected), even the staunchest of Clinton lap dogs are emitting mea culpas.
But over the past year or two, there have been some serious hacks which have occurred, specifically involving North Korea as well as Wikileaks. So what was being done to address those incidents? Not nearly enough, according to Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA).
Of the myriad opinions conveyed on this topic, I believe my friend and Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg best summed up Russia's motivation for this alleged hack. And it wasn't necessarily to get Trump elected as many leftist bobble heads reflexively believe.
In the end, anyone who just blindly states that potential cyber hacks alone cost Mrs. Clinton the election should be mocked mercilessly.
Nevertheless, there is a movement for Presidential Electors to be given intelligence briefings on the potential hacks prior to casting their ballots.
“The bipartisan electors' letter raises very grave issues involving our national security,” Clinton's former campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement on Monday. “Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed.”
“Each day in October, our campaign decried the interference of Russia in our campaign and its evident goal of hurting our campaign to aid Donald Trump,” he said. “Despite our protestations, this matter did not receive the attention it deserved by the media in the campaign. We now know that the CIA has determined Russia's interference in our elections was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.”
Hey, welcome to the party Mr. Podesta! When then presidential candidate Mitt Romney indicated in a 2012 debate with President Barack Obama that Russia was out biggest geopolitical foe, Obama et al mocked him for being entrenched in 1980s foreign policy. But now that the Russia angle can be made to fit a certain narrative (i.e. Trump being illegitimately elected), even the staunchest of Clinton lap dogs are emitting mea culpas.
Absolutely. When @POTUS mocked Romney in 2012 for saying Russia was top threat, I cheered. @POTUS was wrong. I was wrong. Mitt was right. https://t.co/spF0zRZWEG— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) December 10, 2016
But over the past year or two, there have been some serious hacks which have occurred, specifically involving North Korea as well as Wikileaks. So what was being done to address those incidents? Not nearly enough, according to Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA).
NBC host Chuck Todd asked Schiff whether it was a mistake for Obama not to come out more definitively against the hacks before the election last month.'
“I do think it was a mistake,” Schiff said. ”I think it was a mistake even earlier frankly not to react more forcefully when North Korea hacked us because I think those that lack of deterrence invited the Russians to meddle and consider they could do this with impunity.”
Schiff said that he hopes that there can be a nonpartisan joint investigation with the intelligence communities.
“This ought to be a nonpartisan issue. This is not about re-litigating the election. it’s about getting good information to the American people about what happened and preventing it and deterring the Russians in the future,” Schiff added.
Of the myriad opinions conveyed on this topic, I believe my friend and Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg best summed up Russia's motivation for this alleged hack. And it wasn't necessarily to get Trump elected as many leftist bobble heads reflexively believe.
I've done some reading - and by "reading", I don't mean "Occupy Democrats" photo memes and "Young Turks" tweets. And here's what I think is going on.
I'm pretty sure the Russians did, in fact, try to exert pressure on our election, via propaganda and, likely, online skulduggery.
Why? To benefit Trump?
Nah. To sow chaos.
Putin is a former KGB guy. Intelligence guys know - when in doubt, create chaos. From chaos comes opportunity.
If the Russians (basically a third world country in a demographic death spiral, with a lower GDP than NY State but with nuclear weapons) can get the US to eat itself from within - say, over the results of the election - it saps the nation's political will to gain and hold the initiative on other things.
Like, say, exerting diplomatic pressure to help Ukraine or the Baltic States. Or extending and, lets be honest, repairing its influence in the Middle East. Or containing Iran.
Russia can't beat us in a head to head confrontation (short of nuking the Northern Hemisphere); they have to be smarter and more nimble than us.
Nimbleness is easy; Dictatorships don't need consensus.
As far as brains go? Well, if Putin manages to paralyze a much stronger nation via simply getting it to eat itself from the inside, we gotta give him that; that'd be pretty good. If you're a Russian nationalist.
In the end, anyone who just blindly states that potential cyber hacks alone cost Mrs. Clinton the election should be mocked mercilessly.
Russian hackers blocked anyone on Hillary's campaign from accessing the Wikipedia page about the electoral college. https://t.co/W1J5TlAjtV— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 10, 2016
I'm mostly impressed at Russian cloaking technology that hid the entire states of Wisconsin & Michigan for 4 months. Brave new world. https://t.co/JNrc9aBX1w— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) December 10, 2016
Monday, December 12, 2016
Separated at Birth: Benny Johnson & the Sprint (formerly Verizon) guy.

Benny Johnson is a prominent conservative commentator and currently the Creative Director for the Independent Journal Review.
Remember the guy (his name is Paul Marcarelli) walking around talking on a Verizon device querying "Can you hear me now?" Well, he's now the "Sprint guy," appearing in commercials on behalf of Sprint Wireless.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Like a clown I put on a show.................(UPDATE: Snowed in)
My friend and NARN colleague Mitch Berg has answered the call and will be guest-hosting for me on this snowy Sunday.
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but...uh.....eh, I suck at this. I guess what I'm trying to say is you should stay indoors and tune in to the Northern Alliance Radio Network this afternoon for my program The Closer. The fun and frivolity gets started at 2:00 Central Time.
No guests scheduled, so we'll look back at a busy news week which included continued laments over "fake news," the possibility of far left wing U.S. House member Keith Ellison running for DNC chair and the ceasing of construction (for now) on the Dakota Access pipeline.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topicsI plan Mitch plans on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
No guests scheduled, so we'll look back at a busy news week which included continued laments over "fake news," the possibility of far left wing U.S. House member Keith Ellison running for DNC chair and the ceasing of construction (for now) on the Dakota Access pipeline.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
Thursday, December 08, 2016
FAQs: Volume III
You asked, I answered.
Q: Did you enjoy that helping of crow you had to digest upon Donald Trump being elected President?
A: I fully admitted how I was wrong about Trump's electoral chances at every turn. However, the main reasons for my opposing him (i.e. non-conservative policies, lacks the temperament for the job) remain legitimate concerns. For the sake of my beloved country, I would love to be incorrect there as well.
Q: Congrats on the new job! Do you like it thus far?
A: Thank you! And yes, I like it. I especially enjoy not having to endure what would have been an 85% increase in my individual health insurance premiums as well as now getting the opportunity to have a paid vacation.
Q: So do you have any vacations planned?
A: The fetching Mrs. Carlson and I plan to visit some dear friends in Washington state in late July and then rent a car to drive down Highway 101 into the San Francisco Bay Area.
Q: Your Vikings started 5-0 and now will be lucky to make the playoffs. What happened?
A: Their good start had a lot to do with a dominant defense (and it's still very good) but they benefited from a defensive score and/or a special teams touchdown almost every game in that 5-0 start. No way was that sustainable for an entire 16-game schedule. And what was a suspect offensive line to start the season is now (to steal an analogy from Dennis Miller) leakier than Mark Geragos on a diuretic drip.
Q: No-Shave November (aka "Movember") is now over. When are you getting rid of that beard?
A: I'm ridin' it all the may to "Manuary," baby!
Q: Did you enjoy that helping of crow you had to digest upon Donald Trump being elected President?
A: I fully admitted how I was wrong about Trump's electoral chances at every turn. However, the main reasons for my opposing him (i.e. non-conservative policies, lacks the temperament for the job) remain legitimate concerns. For the sake of my beloved country, I would love to be incorrect there as well.
Q: Congrats on the new job! Do you like it thus far?
A: Thank you! And yes, I like it. I especially enjoy not having to endure what would have been an 85% increase in my individual health insurance premiums as well as now getting the opportunity to have a paid vacation.
Q: So do you have any vacations planned?
A: The fetching Mrs. Carlson and I plan to visit some dear friends in Washington state in late July and then rent a car to drive down Highway 101 into the San Francisco Bay Area.
Q: Your Vikings started 5-0 and now will be lucky to make the playoffs. What happened?
A: Their good start had a lot to do with a dominant defense (and it's still very good) but they benefited from a defensive score and/or a special teams touchdown almost every game in that 5-0 start. No way was that sustainable for an entire 16-game schedule. And what was a suspect offensive line to start the season is now (to steal an analogy from Dennis Miller) leakier than Mark Geragos on a diuretic drip.
Q: No-Shave November (aka "Movember") is now over. When are you getting rid of that beard?
A: I'm ridin' it all the may to "Manuary," baby!
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Reason number xxxx why Trump was elected.
Remember how lefties often proclaimed they were the party of the little guy?
The 2016 general election, explained. pic.twitter.com/oPZm8Roi9m— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) December 6, 2016
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Profiles in inspirational quotes
"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
- Abraham Lincoln
“All there is to do is to vote ‘no’.”
-Rep. Keith Ellison on his job as the democratically elected leader of Minnesota's Congressional District Five.
Monday, December 05, 2016
Lawlessness prevails in Obama's America
I haven't opined much on the contentious protests the Standing Rock Indian Tribe has launched over construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Despite their claims being largely refuted, demagoguery and conjecture often win the day in Barack Obama's politically correct and lawless America.
Within the past couple of weeks, the Army Corps of Engineers indicated that the Standing Rock protest camps must depart by December 5. However, the ACE also indicated that the tribe would not be forcibly removed from the demonstration site. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that such a toothless threat would result in the project being delayed indefinitely.
Again, the objections over burial grounds being desecrated and water being polluted have been answered. A federal project of this magnitude is never just jammed through without layers of government bureaucracies signing off and multiple regulatory requirements being satisfied.
In the end, it's quite possible this project will receive the appropriate easements and thus move forward once Donald Trump is officially sworn in as President on January 20. House Speaker Paul Ryan almost insinuated that much.
And the reaction of Craig Stevens, who is a spokesperson with Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now:
You can also listen to my Saturday interview with North Dakota blogger Rob Port, who shared some valuable insights that you just won't get from the vacuous photo memes your lefty friends share on Facebook. The audio link to Rob's appearance is here.
Within the past couple of weeks, the Army Corps of Engineers indicated that the Standing Rock protest camps must depart by December 5. However, the ACE also indicated that the tribe would not be forcibly removed from the demonstration site. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that such a toothless threat would result in the project being delayed indefinitely.
In a statement, Assistant Army Secretary for Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy said alternate routes needed to be explored. Members of the tribe argue that the pipeline, which would carry nearly half a million barrels a day from the Bakken and Three Forks oil fields to a crude terminal near near Pakota, Ill., would damage sacred Native American sites and pollute their water.
The tribe's reservation boundary is half a mile south of the proposed crossing under Lake Oahe, an Army Corps of Engineers project on the Missouri River in North Dakota.
"Although we have had continuing discussion and exchanges of new information with the Standing Rock Sioux and Dakota Access, it's clear that there's more work to do," Darcy said. "The best way to complete that work responsibly and expeditiously is to explore alternate routes for the pipeline crossing."
Alternate routes would be considered with full public input and analysis and an Environmental Impact Statement, she said.
Again, the objections over burial grounds being desecrated and water being polluted have been answered. A federal project of this magnitude is never just jammed through without layers of government bureaucracies signing off and multiple regulatory requirements being satisfied.
In the end, it's quite possible this project will receive the appropriate easements and thus move forward once Donald Trump is officially sworn in as President on January 20. House Speaker Paul Ryan almost insinuated that much.
This is big-government decision-making at its worst. I look forward to putting this anti-energy presidency behind us. https://t.co/Qu0nFTmGZv— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) December 5, 2016
And the reaction of Craig Stevens, who is a spokesperson with Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now:
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 4, 2016
You can also listen to my Saturday interview with North Dakota blogger Rob Port, who shared some valuable insights that you just won't get from the vacuous photo memes your lefty friends share on Facebook. The audio link to Rob's appearance is here.
Sunday, December 04, 2016
Brad out; Mitch in
I've done my radio broadcast for the weekend, so my friend and Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg will be in for me today from 2:00 PM until 3:00 Central Time.
We'll return to our regularly scheduled time slots next weekend.
Until then.............
We'll return to our regularly scheduled time slots next weekend.
Until then.............
Saturday, December 03, 2016
Knee-deep in the hoopla......
With my friend and colleague Mitch Berg on assignment, I will take the reins of The Headliner edition of the Northern Alliance Radio Network this afternoon. The two-hour broadcast gets started just after 1:00 Central Time.
A lot to cover this week, including Gov. Mark Dayton's perpetual petulance, the Gaystapo's diligence in crushing dissent and lefty media/politicos bungling basic facts about Monday's terror attack at Ohio St. University.
At 2:00, I will be joined by North Dakota blogger/podcaster/political observer Rob Port. Over the past few months, there has been much contentiousness over construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, particularly the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and environmentalists vigorously protesting (sometimes violently) the project. Rob has been one of the few journalists I've seen who has eschewed conjecture and hyperbole in favor of actual reporting on this fluid situation.
Then at 2:30 I will be joined by MN state senator David Osmek (R-Mound). Among the items to be discussed will include the recently projected $1.4 Billion budget surplus, the U.S. Bank suite scandal, preview of the upcoming 2017 legislative session, etc.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
A lot to cover this week, including Gov. Mark Dayton's perpetual petulance, the Gaystapo's diligence in crushing dissent and lefty media/politicos bungling basic facts about Monday's terror attack at Ohio St. University.
At 2:00, I will be joined by North Dakota blogger/podcaster/political observer Rob Port. Over the past few months, there has been much contentiousness over construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, particularly the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and environmentalists vigorously protesting (sometimes violently) the project. Rob has been one of the few journalists I've seen who has eschewed conjecture and hyperbole in favor of actual reporting on this fluid situation.
Then at 2:30 I will be joined by MN state senator David Osmek (R-Mound). Among the items to be discussed will include the recently projected $1.4 Billion budget surplus, the U.S. Bank suite scandal, preview of the upcoming 2017 legislative session, etc.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
Thursday, December 01, 2016
The Gaystapo never rests
As of June 2015, same-sex marriage became the law of the land. Because of that, many progressives believe you cannot morally object to something that has been deemed a legal activity. As Erick Erickson so prophetically pointed out nearly three years ago, you will be made to care.
Never has that sentiment been more validated then the Buzzfeed scrutinizing of Chip and Jonanna Gaines of the HGTV show Fixer Upper.
Um, why is it worth looking at? Have the Gaineses ever treated gays as second class citizens? Have they ever denied services to an LGBT couple based on their beliefs? This seems like little more than the "Gaystapo" seeking to destroy the livelihood of people who dare have a moral objection to licentious freedoms like gay marriage, abortion, etc.
Gabby Hoffman at The Resurgent summarizes it beautifully.
I guess progressives are used to high profile politicians like Vice President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi defying their Catholic faith by sanctioning gay marriage and abortion. I mean, if powerful politicos can go against their faith's teachings, certainly the Gaineses can......or else.
Never has that sentiment been more validated then the Buzzfeed scrutinizing of Chip and Jonanna Gaines of the HGTV show Fixer Upper.
(The Gaineses) are also, as they detail in The Magnolia Story, devout Christians — Joanna has spoken of and written about her conversations with God. (God told her both to close her store to spend time with her children, and then to reopen it a few years later.) Their church, Antioch Community Church, is a nondenominational, evangelical, mission-based megachurch. And their pastor, Jimmy Seibert,look who described the Gaineses as “dear friends” in a recent video, takes a hard line against same-sex marriage and promotes converting LGBT people into being straight.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.
Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.
Um, why is it worth looking at? Have the Gaineses ever treated gays as second class citizens? Have they ever denied services to an LGBT couple based on their beliefs? This seems like little more than the "Gaystapo" seeking to destroy the livelihood of people who dare have a moral objection to licentious freedoms like gay marriage, abortion, etc.
Gabby Hoffman at The Resurgent summarizes it beautifully.
This targeting of the Gaineses is not uncharacteristic in this day and age. The Left and their surrogates in so-called “news” outlets are looking to stir the pot and divide Americans. If you dissent from their worldview, you are a bigot, sexist, racist, homophobe-the works. It’s no wonder why Trump, for all of his faults, won: people are sick and tired of the elites in all spheres attacking the American way of life.
Chip and Joanna Gaines are good, wholesome people who bring joy to Texans and millions across the country. They are respectful, courteous, kind folks who are devout Christians. Entertainment needs more people like them, not fewer.
I guess progressives are used to high profile politicians like Vice President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi defying their Catholic faith by sanctioning gay marriage and abortion. I mean, if powerful politicos can go against their faith's teachings, certainly the Gaineses can......or else.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Our perpetually petulant governor - Part MMCLVII
I admit I haven't been following closely this latest flap ginned up by Little Lord Fauntleroy Gov. Mark Dayton. Apparently he took issue with the Civil War paintings which had been hanging in the Governor's Reception Room at the MN State Capitol. Once renovations on the Capitol are complete early next year, Dayton suggested the art not be returned to its original spot unless accompanied by additional art work.
He stated his objections in a letter written to the Minnesota Historical Society.
On Tuesday, there was a meeting of the Minnesota State Capitol Preservation Commission which Dayton attended. When it seemed clear that many on the Commission did not share the governor's perspective, this happened:
Before storming out of the meeting, Dayton decided to lob a rhetorical bomb at Rep. Matt Dean (R-Dellwood), a member of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board who expressed a strong desire to keep the paintings in place.
If that indeed was Dean's ulterior motive (highly unlikely), can ya blame him? He doesn't have a wealthy ex-wife to fund his gubernatorial campaign, so it would behoove him to get a little creative.
But I digress.
To be honest, I don't necessarily disagree with Dayton's stance. There is definitely a lot to Minnesota's rich history, so perhaps there is relevant art work which could be used to supplement the Civil War paintings. But the governor's downright petulance when things don't go his way is an utter embarrassment.
In what will be the final two years of his tenure as governor of Minnesota, Dayton is not going to get a lot of what he wants since the Republicans have a majority in both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature. If abruptly leaving meetings out of spite is now his modus operandi, he's certainly going to give that surgically repaired hip of his a heck of a workout.
He stated his objections in a letter written to the Minnesota Historical Society.
While the paintings “portrayed one episode of Minnesota’s history and rightly honored the heroic sacrifices by thousands of Minnesotans,” he wrote that he believes the room should be filled with art that more completely depicts the state’s history.
“It should better represent the full complexion of our state and a more varied perspective on our history, geography and culture,” he said.
On Tuesday, there was a meeting of the Minnesota State Capitol Preservation Commission which Dayton attended. When it seemed clear that many on the Commission did not share the governor's perspective, this happened:
MN Gov Dayton angrily leaves meeting: He wants to remove Civil War paintings from his office, but many oppose. pic.twitter.com/FIuwIgX0Dn— Patrick Kessler (@PatKessler) November 29, 2016
Before storming out of the meeting, Dayton decided to lob a rhetorical bomb at Rep. Matt Dean (R-Dellwood), a member of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board who expressed a strong desire to keep the paintings in place.
Early in the Minnesota State Capitol Preservation Commission meeting, Dayton said that Dean, by previously sending an email to the members of the panel, attempted “to hijack the operation of this commission for your own political purposes, for your governor campaign in 2018.”
If that indeed was Dean's ulterior motive (highly unlikely), can ya blame him? He doesn't have a wealthy ex-wife to fund his gubernatorial campaign, so it would behoove him to get a little creative.
But I digress.
To be honest, I don't necessarily disagree with Dayton's stance. There is definitely a lot to Minnesota's rich history, so perhaps there is relevant art work which could be used to supplement the Civil War paintings. But the governor's downright petulance when things don't go his way is an utter embarrassment.
In what will be the final two years of his tenure as governor of Minnesota, Dayton is not going to get a lot of what he wants since the Republicans have a majority in both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature. If abruptly leaving meetings out of spite is now his modus operandi, he's certainly going to give that surgically repaired hip of his a heck of a workout.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Go where the narrative leads
Sadly, it's become commonplace in this country to politicize high profile violent crimes while the critically wounded victims are en route to the hospital or the fatally wounded are not even in rigor mortis.
Not to be outdone, Yahoo! news posted a piece with the headline "Ohio State Gun laws Are Some Of The Most Relaxed In The Nation."
As we know by now, a gun was not used by the attacker.
So if the media is as predictable as Mr. Gabriel indicates via his "Media Narrative Chart for reporting violent crime," an attack by a self-identified Muslim on non-Muslims means it was a "Reaction to Islamophobia."
Via the International Business Times - Abdul Razak Ali Artan Was A 'Scared' Muslim: Before Ohio State Attack, Student Shared His Faith And Fears About Islamophobia
At the end of the day, the methodology utilized in jihadist killings is irrelevant. Whether it's homemade explosives, knives, vehicles or guns, the focus absolutely needs to be more on the motives of the perpetrators as opposed to the weapon of choice. But as long as we have an agenda driven media combined with the deep pockets of an anti-gun plutocrat, that basic fact will continue to be overshadowed.
Like many, I was horrified when I first heard the news Monday morning of an "active shooter" on the campus of Ohio State University in Columbus. As is usually the case in chaotic crime scenes, basic facts are not even 100% verifiable until said scenes have been contained. Ah, but that doesn't stop lefties and media (pardon the redundancy) from conjecture and subsequent demagoguery.
Some time ago, Ricochet.com editor-in-chief Jon Gabriel constructed a handy media narrative chart which gives us an indication which direction a story will lead.
Because it was reported early on that the "active shooter" was non-white, that would lead to the obligatory "gun control" demagoguery.
Sure enough:
How @voxdotcom covers an attack by an apparent refugee who didn't even have a gun: "America's gun problem..." https://t.co/OVxBxQKP7N pic.twitter.com/cLVqJ3moxH— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 28, 2016
US Senator & former VP candidate spreads fake news. Media quiet pic.twitter.com/E5Z2FoU2eB— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) November 28, 2016
Not to be outdone, Yahoo! news posted a piece with the headline "Ohio State Gun laws Are Some Of The Most Relaxed In The Nation."
As we know by now, a gun was not used by the attacker.
A Somali-born student at Ohio State University injured 11 people, one of them critically, on Monday when he attacked a crowd of pedestrians on campus in an incident one lawmaker said "bears all the hallmarks of a terror attack."
Authorities said Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, plowed a small gray Honda into the crowd outside Watts Hall, an engineering classroom building, just before 10 a.m. ET. Artan then got out of the vehicle and attacked people with a butcher knife before he was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
The officer, identified as Alan Horujko, 28, happened to be in the area because of a reported gas leak. Ohio State University Police Chief Craig Stone said Horujko arrived on the scene and shot Artan in under a minute. OSU Department of Public Safety Director Monica Moll said Horujko had done a "fabulous job."
In a statement, the university said that five of the victims had been struck by the car, five others had suffered lacerations or stab wounds and another person had orthopedic injuries. At least five of the victims were affiliated with Ohio State, either as faculty, students or staff.
So if the media is as predictable as Mr. Gabriel indicates via his "Media Narrative Chart for reporting violent crime," an attack by a self-identified Muslim on non-Muslims means it was a "Reaction to Islamophobia."
Via the International Business Times - Abdul Razak Ali Artan Was A 'Scared' Muslim: Before Ohio State Attack, Student Shared His Faith And Fears About Islamophobia
At the end of the day, the methodology utilized in jihadist killings is irrelevant. Whether it's homemade explosives, knives, vehicles or guns, the focus absolutely needs to be more on the motives of the perpetrators as opposed to the weapon of choice. But as long as we have an agenda driven media combined with the deep pockets of an anti-gun plutocrat, that basic fact will continue to be overshadowed.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
There must be some kind of way outta here.....
No Vikings today, so you can tune in to The Closer *live* at 2:00 PM Central Time.
There are no guests scheduled, so I'll devote time to the news of Fidel Castro's death, as well as the rose-colored glasses through which some view his legacy.
I will also weigh in on the latest in President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet picks and how he continually punctures media narratives.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
There are no guests scheduled, so I'll devote time to the news of Fidel Castro's death, as well as the rose-colored glasses through which some view his legacy.
I will also weigh in on the latest in President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet picks and how he continually punctures media narratives.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
Friday, November 25, 2016
Hoist by one's own petard
Over the past couple of weeks or so, Politico (among other leftist media outlets and pundits) weighed in on President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet picks with an all-too-familiar narrative.
Politico's headline:
White men dominate Trump’s early staff selections
The all-white, all-male lineup comes amid a major initial test of Trump’s pledge to be a president for 'all Americans.'
But just over the past week, Trump has selected Nikki Haley as U.N. Ambassador, Ben Carson as H.U.D. Secretary and Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary.
I wouldn't put it past some of these outlets or talking heads to proclaim that their strenuous objections actually shamed Trump into making his most recent selections. After their 2016 election coverage, the reputations of the mainstream media and lefty pundit class may well be irreparably damaged, so they really have nothing to lose at this point. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of folks, eh?
Politico's headline:
White men dominate Trump’s early staff selections
The all-white, all-male lineup comes amid a major initial test of Trump’s pledge to be a president for 'all Americans.'
But just over the past week, Trump has selected Nikki Haley as U.N. Ambassador, Ben Carson as H.U.D. Secretary and Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary.
So within a mere seven days, the leftist media (pardon the redundancy) narrative pretty much resembled this:
I wouldn't put it past some of these outlets or talking heads to proclaim that their strenuous objections actually shamed Trump into making his most recent selections. After their 2016 election coverage, the reputations of the mainstream media and lefty pundit class may well be irreparably damaged, so they really have nothing to lose at this point. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of folks, eh?
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Quick Hits: Volume CXXXIX (Thanksgiving edition)
- You know it must be getting close to Thanksgiving when elitist news/opinion sites start publishing those vapid "How to deal with your (obligatory conservative relative) on Thanksgiving."
This year it was Esquire who drew the short straw, specifically on how to handle your "Trump-supporting drunk uncle" this Turkey Day.
Last year it was the HuffPo and its guide to talking Syrian refugees.
Two years ago the L.A. Times stereotyped the conservative uncle.
Three years ago the Democrat National Committee itself encouraged its supporters to become insufferable douches by lecturing misguided conservative relatives on how wrong they were on climate change, immigration, Obamacare, etc.
Given that we are hosting Thanksgiving at our house, the fetching Mrs. Carlson and I will ensure that any attempts at such rhetoric will be met with a challenge for the pontificating progs to practice what they preach. That is, whatever heaping pile of food he/she has placed upon his/her plate will have to be redistributed equally among the 20+ other guests.
- Another Thanksgiving tradition is NFL games! With that in mind, it was four years ago today when perhaps the most bizarre play occurred in the history of Turkey Day NFL games.
Three words: The Butt Fumble.
- I know many consider the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP in Cincinnati the gold standard when it comes to sitcoms commemorating the holidays. It has arguably the most memorable one-liner in the genre.
But since Cheers is, in my humble (but accurate) opinion, the finest sitcom in television history, it would stand to reason its 1986 Thanksgiving episode (specifically the epic food fight near the end) is also top notch. As such, a new tradition in my household (thanks to NetFlix) is to indulge in said episode before our Turkey Day meal.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, all!
This year it was Esquire who drew the short straw, specifically on how to handle your "Trump-supporting drunk uncle" this Turkey Day.
Last year it was the HuffPo and its guide to talking Syrian refugees.
Two years ago the L.A. Times stereotyped the conservative uncle.
Three years ago the Democrat National Committee itself encouraged its supporters to become insufferable douches by lecturing misguided conservative relatives on how wrong they were on climate change, immigration, Obamacare, etc.
Given that we are hosting Thanksgiving at our house, the fetching Mrs. Carlson and I will ensure that any attempts at such rhetoric will be met with a challenge for the pontificating progs to practice what they preach. That is, whatever heaping pile of food he/she has placed upon his/her plate will have to be redistributed equally among the 20+ other guests.
- Another Thanksgiving tradition is NFL games! With that in mind, it was four years ago today when perhaps the most bizarre play occurred in the history of Turkey Day NFL games.
Three words: The Butt Fumble.
- I know many consider the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP in Cincinnati the gold standard when it comes to sitcoms commemorating the holidays. It has arguably the most memorable one-liner in the genre.
But since Cheers is, in my humble (but accurate) opinion, the finest sitcom in television history, it would stand to reason its 1986 Thanksgiving episode (specifically the epic food fight near the end) is also top notch. As such, a new tradition in my household (thanks to NetFlix) is to indulge in said episode before our Turkey Day meal.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, all!
Monday, November 21, 2016
They still don't get it.
You did! @cjwerleman Here are the results. pic.twitter.com/FABOIE6uLb
— Beef Supreme (@Supreme____Beef) November 21, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Just leaving this here
Scott Hanson, host of NFL Red Zone on NFL Network, with perhaps the best one-liner regarding San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick:
Scott Hanson throwing SHOTS at Kaepernick https://t.co/2XOD8VB2Ze— Barstool Sports (@barstooltweetss) November 20, 2016
315 channels of nothin' but bad news on........
Welp....winter is here. With that in mind, it would seem to be a good day to stay inside indulging in this week's edition of The Closer. The one-hour blitz starts at 2:00 PM Central Time.
I'll discuss charges being brought against the St. Anthony police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile this past July.
At 2:30 political wonk Matt Mackowiak will check in to discuss how Donald Trump pulled off his stunning election victory as well as analyze the the selections Trump has made for his cabinet.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
I'll discuss charges being brought against the St. Anthony police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile this past July.
At 2:30 political wonk Matt Mackowiak will check in to discuss how Donald Trump pulled off his stunning election victory as well as analyze the the selections Trump has made for his cabinet.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Officer in Philando Castile shooting to be charged
A Twin Cities incident which made literal worldwide headlines is moving to the next phase.
Just a few quick thoughts:
- For charges to be brought means there were some serious irregularities discovered in Officer Yanez's behavior. Law enforcement typically has a high liability threshold, so it's obvious that Yanez, in the opinion of investigators, grossly violated standard procedures.
- I'm wary of falling into the trap of making a knee-jerk assumption that this incident was merely the result of an officer's blatant racism. That said, I find it difficult (not impossible, but difficult) to comprehend that had it been a white man pulled over and he emphasized he had a permit to carry the firearm on his person, he would not have been shot dead.
- The politicization of these high profile police incidents has never made sense to me. If Yanez was indeed negligent, it doesn't mean criticisms levied towards him is a universal rebuke of law enforcement. Also, charges being brought against Yanez does not necessarily mean there was a miscarriage of justice in other high profile shooting deaths of black men.
- Before the Castile shooting, there had been a well documented testimonial from a local man regarding a disturbing interaction with St. Anthony police in 2013. His warnings about the SAPD officers' behavior needing to be more closely scrutinized went unheeded. If the Castile incident doesn't drive home the point that there may be training issues, I don't know what it will take.
Ramsey County Attorney John Choi said he has determined that the use of deadly force in the shooting of Philando Castile last July was not justified.
“Unreasonable fear can not justify the use of deadly force,” Choi said during a press conference Wednesday.
He is bringing second degree manslaughter and dangerous discharge of a firearm charges against St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez.
The case of the 32-year-old man black man who was shot to death on July 6 in Falcon Heights by a St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez has been in the hands of the county attorney’s office for review since the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension turned over its investigation findings to the prosecutors at the end of September.
At the time, Choi said, “Our office will work as efficiently as possible, while ensuring we conduct a diligent and thorough prosecution review.”
Ramsey County Attorney John Choi said he has determined that the use of deadly force in the shooting of Philando Castile last July was not justified.
Just a few quick thoughts:
- For charges to be brought means there were some serious irregularities discovered in Officer Yanez's behavior. Law enforcement typically has a high liability threshold, so it's obvious that Yanez, in the opinion of investigators, grossly violated standard procedures.
- I'm wary of falling into the trap of making a knee-jerk assumption that this incident was merely the result of an officer's blatant racism. That said, I find it difficult (not impossible, but difficult) to comprehend that had it been a white man pulled over and he emphasized he had a permit to carry the firearm on his person, he would not have been shot dead.
- The politicization of these high profile police incidents has never made sense to me. If Yanez was indeed negligent, it doesn't mean criticisms levied towards him is a universal rebuke of law enforcement. Also, charges being brought against Yanez does not necessarily mean there was a miscarriage of justice in other high profile shooting deaths of black men.
- Before the Castile shooting, there had been a well documented testimonial from a local man regarding a disturbing interaction with St. Anthony police in 2013. His warnings about the SAPD officers' behavior needing to be more closely scrutinized went unheeded. If the Castile incident doesn't drive home the point that there may be training issues, I don't know what it will take.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Quick Hits: Volume CXXXVIII
- The Blair Walsh project has come to an end.
Walsh was a physically gifted kicker but quite obviously had occasional mental lapses. Despite hitting two field goals of 40+ yards in brutally cold conditions in the aforementioned playoff loss to the Seahawks, Walsh tightened up when it counted most. And while he never directly cost the Vikings a game this season, he just never seemed to find his mojo after that awful 27-yard shank in January.
I personally hope Walsh lands with another team and is able to resume a productive career. I know I'll be rooting for him.
- Thecollective temper tantrum multiple anti-Trump protests are seemingly dying down in the aftermath of Donald Trump being elected President.
One thing that some noticed about the protestors was many of them donned safety pins (cue the obligatory "to hold up their diapers?" joke). The reason being is the anti-Trump crowd is showing their solidarity with certain groups (i.e. Muslims, black people, Hispanics, etc.) they believe will be marginalized by a Trump presidency.
With that in mind, what symbol should people be donning to stand in solidarity with the small business owners whose places of business have been vandalized and ransacked by these protestors?
- We're only a week removed from the most recent Election Day but some local campaigns are already ramping up for the next one.
I don't believe Ms. Levy-Pounds has ever sought political office, but she nevertheless has down the political grandstanding.
Since I have yet to hear anything to the contrary, I'm going to assume that current mayor Betsy Hodges will seek reelection in 2017. Between Hodges and Levy-Pounds, expect to see more proverbial bus tire tracks on the backs of Minneapolis police officers.
The Vikings this morning waived the embattled kicker after he missed three kicks and failed to execute a key kickoff the past two weeks. The team has not yet announced a responding roster move, but USA Today reports his replacement will be former Redskins kicker Kai Forbath.
Forbath was one of six kickers to work out for the Vikings last Tuesday.
Walsh in 2012 was named a first-team All-Pro as a rookie and had another strong season in 2013. After a down year in 2014, the Vikings gave him a four-year, $14 million contract extension, and he seemed to be getting his career back on track before he missed a would-be game-winner from 27 yards in the 10-9 playoff loss to the Seahawks this past January.
Walsh was a physically gifted kicker but quite obviously had occasional mental lapses. Despite hitting two field goals of 40+ yards in brutally cold conditions in the aforementioned playoff loss to the Seahawks, Walsh tightened up when it counted most. And while he never directly cost the Vikings a game this season, he just never seemed to find his mojo after that awful 27-yard shank in January.
I personally hope Walsh lands with another team and is able to resume a productive career. I know I'll be rooting for him.
- The
One thing that some noticed about the protestors was many of them donned safety pins (cue the obligatory "to hold up their diapers?" joke). The reason being is the anti-Trump crowd is showing their solidarity with certain groups (i.e. Muslims, black people, Hispanics, etc.) they believe will be marginalized by a Trump presidency.
With that in mind, what symbol should people be donning to stand in solidarity with the small business owners whose places of business have been vandalized and ransacked by these protestors?
- We're only a week removed from the most recent Election Day but some local campaigns are already ramping up for the next one.
Community activist Nekima Levy-Pounds will run for mayor of Minneapolis, she announced on social media Monday.
Levy-Pounds, the former president of the NAACP in Minneapolis, announced via her Facebook and Twitter pages Monday her intent to run for mayor during the next election cycle.
“Friends, You heard it here first,” Levy-Pounds wrote. “I am running for Mayor of Minneapolis.”
Levy-Pounds has been a key figure in the city’s Black Lives Matter movement and an outspoken critic of police shootings such as the ones that killed Jamar Clark and Philando Castile.
I don't believe Ms. Levy-Pounds has ever sought political office, but she nevertheless has down the political grandstanding.
She will make an official announcement at a news conference at noon Tuesday across from the 4th Precinct police station. Tuesday marks one year since Clark’s death.
Since I have yet to hear anything to the contrary, I'm going to assume that current mayor Betsy Hodges will seek reelection in 2017. Between Hodges and Levy-Pounds, expect to see more proverbial bus tire tracks on the backs of Minneapolis police officers.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Spot on
Aside from the part about writing in John Kasich for President, Ernie Johnson perfectly encapsulated everything I believed and felt about this presidential election cycle.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Never turn away when the challenge is alive.....
It's post-election weekend, so a lot to go over on this afternoon's edition of The Closer. The broadcast kicks off at 2:00 Central Time.
No guests scheduled, so we'll spend much of the hour on how Donald Trump pulled off this epic win as well as how the leftist kooks continue to detach from reality. On a local level, we'll look into the MNGOP gaining control of both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
No guests scheduled, so we'll spend much of the hour on how Donald Trump pulled off this epic win as well as how the leftist kooks continue to detach from reality. On a local level, we'll look into the MNGOP gaining control of both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics I plan on addressing. You can also text comments/questions to (651) 243-0390.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio. If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.
Even though I have a face for radio, there is a UStream channel where you can watch the broadcast if you so desire. Check it out here.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
Thursday, November 10, 2016
They're not taking it well
I remember Election Night 2012. My Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg and I were broadcasting live from a MNGOP event that evening where we analyzed the election results. Going in to that Tuesday, I anticipated that our national government would maintain the status quo, in that Barack Obama would be reelected President and Congress would remain split (Dem majority in the U.S. Senate; GOP majority in the U.S. House). So when that became official, I was still disappointed but I had mentally prepared myself for that scenario.
What I was unprepared for in 2012 was the GOP losing majorities in both the MN House and Senate, as well as both ballot measures (Defining marriage as between a man & woman and Voter ID) being shot down. To add insult to injury, my home city of Ramsey elected agranola cruncher lefty mayor and an all leftist city council. I was devastated. I was in a catatonic state the entire 45-minute drive home. Thankfully I had already taken the next day off work since I knew I'd be up late. The next morning was appropriately damp and gloomy.
With that in mind, I decided to look back in my Facebook archives to recall what I had conveyed after what had been a calamitous night for my preferred political party.
I don't share this to give off a vibe of my being more magnanimous than leftists when my candidates lose. Quite the opposite in fact. I share this because I want people to know I can relate. I have leftist relatives/friends/acquaintances who are still enduring emotional pain. And I get it. I really do. I know how depressing it is when your preferred candidate comes up short despite working so hard on their behalf. So it never occurred to me to gloat when the GOP dominated the 2016 election. So if you too know people in that same situation, telling them to "get over it" is not helpful. Give them time and space.
But as far as those folks who are spewing incoherent statements, sucking their proverbial thumbs, disrupting the lives of innocent people (at the encouragement of a sitting mayor), vandalizing property and suggesting people have to die in violent acts all because they didn't like the outcome of the 2016 presidential election? Yeah, those people can go suck a brick.
What I was unprepared for in 2012 was the GOP losing majorities in both the MN House and Senate, as well as both ballot measures (Defining marriage as between a man & woman and Voter ID) being shot down. To add insult to injury, my home city of Ramsey elected a
With that in mind, I decided to look back in my Facebook archives to recall what I had conveyed after what had been a calamitous night for my preferred political party.
But as far as those folks who are spewing incoherent statements, sucking their proverbial thumbs, disrupting the lives of innocent people (at the encouragement of a sitting mayor), vandalizing property and suggesting people have to die in violent acts all because they didn't like the outcome of the 2016 presidential election? Yeah, those people can go suck a brick.
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
The obligatory "Holy crap, was I wrong" post
To recap my Election Day predictions from Tuesday:
MN Senate: I felt the MN GOP would fall just short of regaining a majority. And with Minority Leader David Hann losing and Dave Thompson's former seat in SD58 flipping DFL, it appeared as though I would (unfortunately) be right. Amazingly, the GOP flipped 8 DFL seats (including CD3 candidate Terri Bonoff's in SD44) to attain a 34-33 majority!!!! Since Republican Paul Anderson won SD44 by a mere 200 votes, that looks to go to a recount. But, for now, I'm glad to have been wrong!
MN House: I had an inkling that the GOP would keep a majority (they had a 73-61 edge going into Tuesday) but it would be close. Not only did MN Republicans retain the House but they increased their membership to 76 representatives. With House District 32B going to a special election in early 2017, the GOP will be up to 77 reps once our friend Anne Neu emerges victorious!
MN Congressional Delegation: As I predicted, Democrat incumbents won reelection in Congressional Districts One (albeit by 0.76%), Four, Five and Seven. I also correctly called GOP incumbents holding CDs Three and Six.
That means I missed CDs Two (Republican Jason Lewis defeated Dem Angie Craig in an open seat) and Eight (Incumbent Dem Rick Nolan once again withstood a serious challenge from Stewart Mills, this time winning by a minuscule 0.56%).
US House: As predicted, Republicans kept a healthy majority.
US Senate: The GOP had a 54-46 majority. I called three Dem pickups, leaving the Republicans with a 51-49 lead. Turns out the Dems got only two: Illinois (which I predicted) and New Hampshire (I thought incumbent Kelly Ayotte would win). I didn't believe Republicans Ron Johnson (WI) and Pat Toomey (PA) would be reelected. I'm thrilled to have been wrong there.
The final tally is 52-48, GOP.
President of the United States: I have doubted Donald Trump since the millisecond he entered the race in the summer of 2015.
Many of my sentiments included the following:
Yep. I was wrong. Not only did Trump win "bigly" on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning but his victory seemed to be a boost to Senators Johnson, Toomey and Richard Burr (NC). He also won typically blue states Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and may well have prevailed in Michigan.
Despite all that has been thrown at Trump over the past 16 months, he has weathered every proverbial storm. I can't say I'm all that enthused at the prospects of a Trump presidency, but for one to doubt him succeeding is to do so at one's own peril.
MN Senate: I felt the MN GOP would fall just short of regaining a majority. And with Minority Leader David Hann losing and Dave Thompson's former seat in SD58 flipping DFL, it appeared as though I would (unfortunately) be right. Amazingly, the GOP flipped 8 DFL seats (including CD3 candidate Terri Bonoff's in SD44) to attain a 34-33 majority!!!! Since Republican Paul Anderson won SD44 by a mere 200 votes, that looks to go to a recount. But, for now, I'm glad to have been wrong!
MN House: I had an inkling that the GOP would keep a majority (they had a 73-61 edge going into Tuesday) but it would be close. Not only did MN Republicans retain the House but they increased their membership to 76 representatives. With House District 32B going to a special election in early 2017, the GOP will be up to 77 reps once our friend Anne Neu emerges victorious!
MN Congressional Delegation: As I predicted, Democrat incumbents won reelection in Congressional Districts One (albeit by 0.76%), Four, Five and Seven. I also correctly called GOP incumbents holding CDs Three and Six.
That means I missed CDs Two (Republican Jason Lewis defeated Dem Angie Craig in an open seat) and Eight (Incumbent Dem Rick Nolan once again withstood a serious challenge from Stewart Mills, this time winning by a minuscule 0.56%).
US House: As predicted, Republicans kept a healthy majority.
US Senate: The GOP had a 54-46 majority. I called three Dem pickups, leaving the Republicans with a 51-49 lead. Turns out the Dems got only two: Illinois (which I predicted) and New Hampshire (I thought incumbent Kelly Ayotte would win). I didn't believe Republicans Ron Johnson (WI) and Pat Toomey (PA) would be reelected. I'm thrilled to have been wrong there.
The final tally is 52-48, GOP.
President of the United States: I have doubted Donald Trump since the millisecond he entered the race in the summer of 2015.
Many of my sentiments included the following:
- No way Trump lasts past Christmas.
- No way he survives after his constant diarrhea of the mouth.
- He won't have a majority of delegates going into the Republican National Convention in July.
- He'll lose a contested convention.
- OK, Trump's the GOP nominee but his inability to appeal to a more diverse electorate will sink him in the general.
- Trump's not only going to get thumped by Hillary Clinton but he may well cost the GOP the Senate majority, possibly the House. His candidacy could be an Extinction Level Event for the Republicans.
Yep. I was wrong. Not only did Trump win "bigly" on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning but his victory seemed to be a boost to Senators Johnson, Toomey and Richard Burr (NC). He also won typically blue states Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and may well have prevailed in Michigan.
Despite all that has been thrown at Trump over the past 16 months, he has weathered every proverbial storm. I can't say I'm all that enthused at the prospects of a Trump presidency, but for one to doubt him succeeding is to do so at one's own peril.
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Tune in to our Election Night broadcast
Starting at 8:00 PM Central Time, my Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg and myself will be on the air poring over the results of the 2016 election cycle! We will be live from MNGOP headquarters at the Radisson Blu Mall of America, which means we will likely be able to chat with a number of prominent GOP candidates.
As is custom with NARN election night coverage, it's also plausible we will be breaking some news during the live broadcast. In 2010, Mitch was the first media member to announce that the Republicans gained control of the MN Senate for the the first time since 1972. Then in 2014, just minutes before we signed off the air, Mitch had the scoop that the GOP regained a majority in the MN House. But perhaps the signature moment in our election night coverage occurred in 2012 when I was one of the first broadcasters (I believe) in the country to call the state of Florida for President Barack Obama (not news I was excited to deliver, but still....).
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
As is custom with NARN election night coverage, it's also plausible we will be breaking some news during the live broadcast. In 2010, Mitch was the first media member to announce that the Republicans gained control of the MN Senate for the the first time since 1972. Then in 2014, just minutes before we signed off the air, Mitch had the scoop that the GOP regained a majority in the MN House. But perhaps the signature moment in our election night coverage occurred in 2012 when I was one of the first broadcasters (I believe) in the country to call the state of Florida for President Barack Obama (not news I was excited to deliver, but still....).
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area, you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #narn or "Like" our Facebook page.
Until then.....
2016 Election prediction
Based on little more than gut instinct and aggregate polling data, here are my predictions for Election Day 2016.
MN Senate: The DFL currently holds a 39-28 edge in the upper chamber. I can think of a handful of DFL-held seats (particularly SD1, SD2, SD 17, SD24, SD37, SD44, SD53 and SD57) off the top of my head which have a fighting chance to flip GOP. The Republicans need a net gain of 6 seats to attain a majority, so they have a small margin for error when it comes to losing any GOP-held seats.
I believe the Republicans will close the gap on the DFL majority but will fall just short of actually overtaking the Dems. But I'm ripe for a surprise.
MN House: The Republicans currently have a 73-61 majority. I'm afraid the GOP will suffer a net loss, but it has to be less than 6 in order to remain in charge. I believe the Republicans will hold the House, albeit barely.
MN Congressional District 1: Incumbent Tim Walz is once again receiving a challenge from Republican Jim Hagedorn. This is pretty much a swing district in presidential election years. However, since Walz was first elected in 2006, he has never won by less than five points. One thing which placates conservative voters in this district is that Walz receives favorable marks from pro second amendment groups. However, my friend and NARN colleague Mitch Berg has reported that Walz has been in meetings with the Bloomberg affiliated anti-gun crowd.
Hagedorn lost this race by more than 8 points in 2014, which was a strong GOP year. Can he somehow overtake that deficit in two short years? I tend to think not, but the fact he's throwing his proverbial hat back in the ring is a step in the right direction. Walz by about 7-10.
MN Congressional District 2: Yet another swing district which Barack Obama won in both 2008 and 2012. With longtime incumbent Republican John Kline not running this year, it is an open seat battle between DFL candidate (and former HR gal) Angie Craig against former right-wing radio host Jason Lewis.
The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee targeted this district the millisecond Kline announced he was retiring. Once Lewis became the official GOP nominee, the DCCC dug up a treasure trove of bombastic comments Lewis had made during nearly three-decade long career as a radio host. Without any context or nuance, the clips were made to sound as though Lewis was pro-slavery and anti-women. Given that campaign ads are typically 30 seconds and debates between candidates aren't all that highly publicized, Lewis didn't have ample opportunity to provide context. As such, this seat will flip to the Dems with Craig winning by about 5.
MN Congressional District 3: DFLer Terri Bonoff left her MN state senate seat in SD44 to take on incumbent Erik Paulsen in this race. The good news? Paulsen will win by double digits. Even more good news? SD44 now has a legitimate chance to flip Republican with Bonoff out of the picture.
MN Congressional District 4: The shrill and unaccomplished Betty McCollum will (unfortunately) defeat GOP challenger Greg Ryan handily.
MN Congressional District 5: With zero precincts reporting, incumbent Keith Ellison is the projected winner over Republican Frank Drake.
MN Congressional District 6: GOP representative Tom Emmer easily reelected by 20-25 points.
MN Congressional District 7: Despite representing a solidly red district, incumbent Democrat Collin Peterson will win reelection in a walk.
MN Congressional District 8: Incumbent Rick Nolan barely defeated GOP challenger Stewart Mills in 2014 (final margin was 1.4%). With more name recognition and the fact CD8 is one district where a Donald Trump presidential candidacy is a net positive, Mills will take the sting out of the GOP losing CD2 by prevailing in this CD8 rematch!
US House: The Republicans have the largest majority they've had since the Great Depression. The Democrats would have to flip THIRTY seats to take over the House. Not happenin'. While I believe the Dems will pick up some seats, no way will it approach 30.
US Senate: The Republicans currently hold a 54-46 majority. With 24 of the 34 seats up for election in 2016 being GOP-held seats (plus being a presidential election year), it's inevitable the GOP majority will shrink if not flip to the Democrats.
Incumbent Republican Mark Kirk out of Illinois is going to lose by double digits. Despite being within the margin of error, GOP Senators Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) and Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) will likely fall short.
That would put the GOP majority down to 51-49.
From there, you have awfully tight races in Republican held seats in Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina and New Hampshire. If the Republicans lose just two of those, the Dems have a majority. While it would absolutely make my election night if Harry Reid's Senate seat flipped to the Republicans, it appears the Latino voter turnout is reaching record numbers, which would spell doom for the GOP. As such, Republican Senate candidate Joe Heck will likely lose a close battle with Catherine Cortez Masto.
In the end, I predict the Dems will flip Illinois, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, which will leave the GOP with a razor thin 51-49 majority in the U.S. Senate.
President of the United States: Four weeks ago, I would have bet my house that Hillary Clinton would be elected President and that the GOP would lose the Senate. Now? Well, I still believe Hillary will emerge victorious tonight.......but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
My official electoral map:

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com
MN Senate: The DFL currently holds a 39-28 edge in the upper chamber. I can think of a handful of DFL-held seats (particularly SD1, SD2, SD 17, SD24, SD37, SD44, SD53 and SD57) off the top of my head which have a fighting chance to flip GOP. The Republicans need a net gain of 6 seats to attain a majority, so they have a small margin for error when it comes to losing any GOP-held seats.
I believe the Republicans will close the gap on the DFL majority but will fall just short of actually overtaking the Dems. But I'm ripe for a surprise.
MN House: The Republicans currently have a 73-61 majority. I'm afraid the GOP will suffer a net loss, but it has to be less than 6 in order to remain in charge. I believe the Republicans will hold the House, albeit barely.
MN Congressional District 1: Incumbent Tim Walz is once again receiving a challenge from Republican Jim Hagedorn. This is pretty much a swing district in presidential election years. However, since Walz was first elected in 2006, he has never won by less than five points. One thing which placates conservative voters in this district is that Walz receives favorable marks from pro second amendment groups. However, my friend and NARN colleague Mitch Berg has reported that Walz has been in meetings with the Bloomberg affiliated anti-gun crowd.
Hagedorn lost this race by more than 8 points in 2014, which was a strong GOP year. Can he somehow overtake that deficit in two short years? I tend to think not, but the fact he's throwing his proverbial hat back in the ring is a step in the right direction. Walz by about 7-10.
MN Congressional District 2: Yet another swing district which Barack Obama won in both 2008 and 2012. With longtime incumbent Republican John Kline not running this year, it is an open seat battle between DFL candidate (and former HR gal) Angie Craig against former right-wing radio host Jason Lewis.
The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee targeted this district the millisecond Kline announced he was retiring. Once Lewis became the official GOP nominee, the DCCC dug up a treasure trove of bombastic comments Lewis had made during nearly three-decade long career as a radio host. Without any context or nuance, the clips were made to sound as though Lewis was pro-slavery and anti-women. Given that campaign ads are typically 30 seconds and debates between candidates aren't all that highly publicized, Lewis didn't have ample opportunity to provide context. As such, this seat will flip to the Dems with Craig winning by about 5.
MN Congressional District 3: DFLer Terri Bonoff left her MN state senate seat in SD44 to take on incumbent Erik Paulsen in this race. The good news? Paulsen will win by double digits. Even more good news? SD44 now has a legitimate chance to flip Republican with Bonoff out of the picture.
MN Congressional District 4: The shrill and unaccomplished Betty McCollum will (unfortunately) defeat GOP challenger Greg Ryan handily.
MN Congressional District 5: With zero precincts reporting, incumbent Keith Ellison is the projected winner over Republican Frank Drake.
MN Congressional District 6: GOP representative Tom Emmer easily reelected by 20-25 points.
MN Congressional District 7: Despite representing a solidly red district, incumbent Democrat Collin Peterson will win reelection in a walk.
MN Congressional District 8: Incumbent Rick Nolan barely defeated GOP challenger Stewart Mills in 2014 (final margin was 1.4%). With more name recognition and the fact CD8 is one district where a Donald Trump presidential candidacy is a net positive, Mills will take the sting out of the GOP losing CD2 by prevailing in this CD8 rematch!
US House: The Republicans have the largest majority they've had since the Great Depression. The Democrats would have to flip THIRTY seats to take over the House. Not happenin'. While I believe the Dems will pick up some seats, no way will it approach 30.
US Senate: The Republicans currently hold a 54-46 majority. With 24 of the 34 seats up for election in 2016 being GOP-held seats (plus being a presidential election year), it's inevitable the GOP majority will shrink if not flip to the Democrats.
Incumbent Republican Mark Kirk out of Illinois is going to lose by double digits. Despite being within the margin of error, GOP Senators Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) and Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) will likely fall short.
That would put the GOP majority down to 51-49.
From there, you have awfully tight races in Republican held seats in Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina and New Hampshire. If the Republicans lose just two of those, the Dems have a majority. While it would absolutely make my election night if Harry Reid's Senate seat flipped to the Republicans, it appears the Latino voter turnout is reaching record numbers, which would spell doom for the GOP. As such, Republican Senate candidate Joe Heck will likely lose a close battle with Catherine Cortez Masto.
In the end, I predict the Dems will flip Illinois, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, which will leave the GOP with a razor thin 51-49 majority in the U.S. Senate.
President of the United States: Four weeks ago, I would have bet my house that Hillary Clinton would be elected President and that the GOP would lose the Senate. Now? Well, I still believe Hillary will emerge victorious tonight.......but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
My official electoral map:

Trump still has a fighting chance in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Florida and Nevada. If he can win those states (in addition to the ones I've predicted he'll take), the electoral vote tally would then be 270-268, Trump. So he does have a realistic path to victory, but it's awfully narrow.
As always, happy voting!
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