Saturday, January 05, 2008

Separated at Birth: Mike Huckabee and Kevin Spacey

Mike Huckabee (left) is a former Arkansas governor and current GOP Presidential candidate.

Kevin Spacey is an actor and a personal friend of that other former Arkansas governor.



BlueNight said...

That is freakin' awesome! I knew they looked similar, but side-by-side that's amazing!

Anonymous said...

their voices sound sorta similar too, i just saw a news bit with Huckabee talking and I thought DAMN he sounds like Kevin Spacey so I googled their names together to see if anyone else had seen that connection, and that's how I found you.


Anonymous said...

Good morning my dear he is very very happy guy and this is my frist comment ..

Ted Nugent was right!! said...

Just as Superfly Jimmy Snuka reminds you of Gadaffi, so Mike Huckabee,a kind, righteous man reminds you of a great actor, Kevin Spacey....