However, in the past 12 years I have allowed one exception to my self-imposed “star struck” rule.
It was 1996 when blonde bombshell Mindy McCready burst onto the country music scene as a 20-year old. She immediately hit the top of the country charts with hit songs such as “Ten Thousand Angels” and “Guys Do It All The Time.” While I enjoyed the music, I admittedly became smitten with young Mindy.
One evening, in May of 1998, I was on my way home from work when I heard she would be at the Mall of America. Local country station K102 was sponsoring the appearance. I quickly got home, changed into a nice shirt and slacks, splashed on extra after shave and grabbed my Ten Thousand Angels CD.
Upon entering the mall, I saw what appeared to be a mile-long line. In line in front of me was a woman and her ten year old daughter. In making small talk, I asked the young girl if she had been a fan for long. She said she had been for about two years. I then asked if she was excited to get an autograph. She enthusiastically nodded yes. The girl’s mom then asked me if I was a big fan. I said “Not only am I a big fan of her work but I’m thinking of proposing marriage!” By this time, the horrified mother had whisked away her daughter as if I had just sprouted horns and a tail. As I soon learned, I was in line to meet Tara Lipinski, the 15-year old figure skater who had won gold at the recent Olympics. Whoops!!
Thankfully, Mindy’s line was much shorter. I was thinking of the perfect pick-up line as I came ever closer to the woman of my dreams. My self image was strong enough at the time where I believed I could have swept her off her feet. (Oh you go ahead and laugh. But answer me this. Do the names Chris Henchy and Dan Moder ring a bell? No? Today, you know them better as Mr. Brooke Shields and Mr. Julia Roberts, respectively.).
Finally, it was my turn!! As I approached Mindy, I said “This has been a long time in coming!! I’ve been waiting two years to meet you!!” She replied, “Well, thank you. Do you have something you want me to sign?” As I handed her the CD, her hand brushed mine! As she was autographing the liner (see said liner below), I boldly told her how we were made for each other and that we even come from similar backgrounds (She too grew up in a single parent household). She then looked up, gave me a great big hug and said “You’re so sweet! But I’m spoken for.” Dejected, I learned she was engaged to actor Dean Cain, who played Superman in the 90s TV series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman"

I tell that light-hearted tale because I’d prefer to remember Mindy as the young, free-spirit who seemed to have it all. Sadly, her life has been in a downward spiral over the past few years. From addictions to painkillers to abusive relationships to a suicide attempt while pregnant, it appears Mindy McCready had too much too soon.
As it turns out, Mindy did me the greatest favor by turning me down (Like I even had a shot!). I would meet my wife-to-be just two months after that playful exchange with Mindy.
And in a stark contrast to Mindy McCready, my life has only gotten better each and every year since.