Friday, June 12, 2020

Tear down inconsistencies, not statues

The rationale for tearing down the Christopher Columbus statue near the MN State Capitol building is similar to arguments I've heard put forth for "punching a Nazi." What I mean by that is both vandalism and assault are crimes yet if one points out that fact, it results in Social Justice Warriors accusing one of being anti-Indigenous or pro Nazi.

What the incident at the Capitol this past week taught me this week is how selective SJWs can be with which objectionable figures they target. For instance, it would stand to reason they would deface and tear down any monument of someone who so abhorred black people that she advocated for eugenics. Ah, but a statue of Margaret Sanger remains intact in Boston's Old South Meeting House. I guess because she founded Planned Parenthood, an organization which provides leftists with their sacred cow of abortion, Sanger's virulent racism and speeches at Ku Klux Klan rallies will be conveniently swept under the proverbial rug.

My friend and Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg said it best.

But actual law-breaking and vandalism, and a very clear implication of potential violence (and in many cases, it goes well beyond implication), is OK - as long as it's the *correct* cause?

Because there's a statue of Floyd Olson on the Capitol grounds. He was a socialist demagogue who governed Minnesota long ago, and there's no rational way to deny that his policies have caused far more damage than good, *especially* to disadvantaged communities in this state. Olson represents the worst traits of this state - jamming down equality of outcomes as one-size-fits-all decree, with dire effects on the poor. Did he do as much harm as Columbus? No, but we're talking principle, here, so let's not quibble about degrees of evil.

It's high time someone - me and my friends who feel strongly about the damage Olson and his cronies did to this state - did something about that goddess-forsaken statue. And if the process doesn't work fast enough (and in a state dominated by the Urban Progressive Privilege that Olson's policies cemented in place as the dominant class, it won't), then we'll have to "expedite" things ourselves.

Because if you're not part of (our) solution, you're part of the problem (as we define it).

So - are you SURE you want to set this as a precedent?

This once again re-affirms that not all protests are created equal. Many Americans were out of work over the past few months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When they decried their livelihoods being in peril, they were essentially told they're selfish due to the possibility they could spread this deadly virus if they leave home. But if there's racial strife and thus people wanna gather together with no social distancing while several also wear no masks? Suddenly there are no concerns over whether grandma and grandpa die.


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