Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stealth father

While talking to one of my Uncles earlier this week, he let it slip that my Dad was flying in to town from California on Saturday. That would be today. And of course, the old man never told my brother and I he was coming to town. This is nothing new, as he pulled this same stunt two years ago. He was in town an entire month and never contacted me once.

Now my regular readers need not fret here. This isn't another one of those posts where I launch into a scathing rebuke of my father. Thankfully I sought professional help for those issues I had, so I'm feeling much better now!

No, the point of this post is to take a running bet as to how long he goes without telling us he's even in town. My Aunt & Uncle are having a get-together on Memorial Day weekend (five days after my birthday). The smart money is that is where I will first speak with him.



Gino said...

i think you will always have those issues.
its just how you deal them that can change.

and snarkiness is a good sign of good progress.

Bike Bubba said...

You could give him a call...

Brad Carlson said...

You could give him a call...

Sure, I could. But like my Visa card, I have a very low rate of interest.