Before this election season, I would have never believed I would be donning a lawn sign for a political candidate endorsed by both the Pioneer Press and Star Tribune.
Team Coleman spread the word via e-mail this afternoon.
What a beautiful day in Minnesota and a great day at Coleman For Senate! We want to give you a sneak peek into tomorrow's papers and let you know that Norm is honored to receive the endorsements of the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. We hope you'll pick up a copy to enjoy with your morning coffee! Read about what you know and what already eight Minnesota publications have recognized: Norm Coleman's strong record of public service for Minnesota and his proven ability to work across party lines to get things done are why we need to work hard in the remaining 10 days of this campaign to get Norm re-elected!
How much of a putz is Al Franken that he can’t even gain the endorsement of the Star Tribune for goodness sakes?
Given the embarrassment of having one cartoon character like Jesse Ventura representing our state politically, not even the Strib can fathom the thought of having another.
Putz is right. Even the Minnesota Daily, which couldn't bring themselves to endorse a Republican endorsed Barkley
Well said, as always. And I agree with Margaret - putz is le mot juste.
You need a "Vote No" sign too.
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