Thursday, June 27, 2024

Weird, wild stuff.

I met Marisa Simonetti, conservative Hennepin County Commissioner candidate in District 6, last month when she appeared on my NARN colleague Mitch Berg's radio show. I'll admit my first impression of her was quite favorable. From the tidbits I heard, she definitely had an intriguing personal story. On the surface, she was a young single mom with little fundraising prowess running an effective grassroots campaign which posed a threat to the political establishment in the Orono/Lake Minnetonka/Edina/Wayzata areas. 

In the special election last month, Simonetti finished a mere 9 points behind Heather Edelson, a former DFL state rep with nearly 100% name recognition in an area Gov. Tim Walz won his 2022 reelection by nearly 30 points. Pretty impressive considering the circumstances. Encouraged by that result, Simonetti chose to oppose Edelson in the general election this November. 

It's standard fare that when one opposes the prog power structure, the personal attacks will be off the charts. And while it's a daunting enough task to fend off said attacks which may be rooted in mere half-truths, I can't imagine how they land when a seedy and bizarre background is uncovered. 

Simonetti's strategy is to now go all Trumpian, which is to lean in to any allegations that may have even a grain of truth. 

And while I cringed upon seeing her "re-post" of this tweet......

.....I have to, at the very least, give her 100% kudos for her moxie. 

Even if Simonetti had not possessed all this baggage, it was highly unlikely that she was going to emerge victorious in her race this November. However, if we've learned anything about the state of politics in this day and age, Simonetti's no-holds-barred mindset may actually galvanize support among those who were planning to vote for her from the outset. 

Hey, speaking of the Northern Alliance Radio Network, Marisa Simonetti will be appearing on Jack Tomczak's show this Saturday at 4:00 PM on AM 1280 The Patriot. I know I'll be tuned in!


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