Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCL

- The First Son gets hit with a guilty verdict

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of all three felony counts related to his purchase and possession of a gun while he was addicted to crack cocaine.

The verdict marks the first time the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. One of the jurors told CBS News after the verdict that Hunter Biden "knew what he was doing when they told him he had to fill out that application" to purchase the gun.

"When he checked that box, he knew he was an addict," the juror said. "He knew he was using crack."

Hunter Biden displayed very little emotion as the verdict from the 12-person Delaware jury was read, and after the verdict was delivered, he hugged his wife and reached over to his attorneys.

The leftist media was more than happy to use Hunter as the proverbial sacrificial lamb to justify the sham Trump verdict, giving off an air of "sEe?!?!? No OnE iS aBoVe ThE lAw!!!!" Of course they conveniently omit how just last year the attorney handpicked by the Biden DOJ attempted to push Hunter through with a sweetheart plea deal on far more serious charges. And because multiple felony charges were slow-walked to trial, the statute of limitations almost ran out

But perhaps the most delicious irony of the day? Hunter's old man was giving a speech on "gun control" after the verdict was announced. And as Fox News was airing the speech live, they posted conspicuously a certain headline on the right side of the screen. 

Musta been an awkward time at the Biden dinner table Tuesday evening. 

- Former MN State Senator (and personal friend of my wife and me) Michelle Benson weighed in on the GOP race to be the sacrificial lamb oppose Sen. Amy Klobuchar this November. 


Never one to answer substantive criticism, the endorsed GOP candidate for U.S. Senator out of Minnesota responded. 


Like I've said many times before, Klobee will be our senior U.S. Senator for as long as she desires. But it's important to at least put forth a dignified opponent so as not to depress support for down ticket races. Sorry, MNGOP delegates, but Royce White ain't it. 

- MSNBC talk show host Rachel Maddow is preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump will be elected President this November. As such, she's approaching this plausible scenario with her typical measured and rational tone. 

Rep. Tide Pod Evita Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also expressed similar fears that Trump would jail her if he's elected President. 

Maddow enjoyed a significant ratings boon during the first Trump term while AOC often used the Trump years to drum up campaign contributions. Bottom line is these two really don't believe this bull crap regarding "detention camps", but they're more than willing to grift off of it. 


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