Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCLII

- We just surpassed the 2-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Upon the announcement of that decision, staunch pro lifers knew full well that the most intense work was about to begin. Sure, the individual states could pass whatever abortion laws they desire, but no statute is ever going to completely eradicate infanticide.  

Former NFL player (and one of the most outspoken pro life figures) Ben Watson comes at this from a perspective which more pro lifers ought to broach

I want to issue a challenge to men in particular. We as a country are suffering our wounds of abortion in large part due to dereliction or outright abuse caused by men. Many women seeking abortion are victims of domestic violence or are unsupported by their male partner. Some men secretly want to stand up for their child in the womb but are too passive to protect their partner and child from the abortion industry. Others have been influenced by social trends and clever slogans, believing they can't speak out on this issue because they aren't women. While others simply feel ill equipped and unprepared to be a father or husband.

Meanwhile, for better or worse, men in public roles have made and continue to make decisions that affect the rest of the country, whether they be in the halls of Congress, in the White House, in a corporate boardroom, or with a major medical organization. Don't forget that it was a group of men who decided Roe v. Wade. Men like Alan Guttmacher played key roles in the eugenics movement and the abortion movement during the 20th century.

So to all conflicted men out there, just know that if you forfeit your sacred duty to protect your child or advocate for life because you don't want to "speak for" women, just know that other men will gladly take your place—and they may possess values diametrically opposed to yours. Your silence is their gift.

So when pro abortion folks hit back at men who defend life, they often do so with a talking point of "Well men should be forced to pay the lion's share of expenses for the pregnancy as well as financially support the child if they're advocating for the kid's birth." As a pro lifer myself, I say those terms are acceptable. 

- U.S. House prog collective "The Squad" is losing a member

Rep. Jamaal Bowman was trounced in a suburban New York race that became a referendum on progressives’ attitudes toward Israel and the most expensive House primary in U.S. history.

Moderate Democrat George Latimer bested Bowman on Tuesday by 17 points with 88 percent of the vote in, making Bowman the first member of the Squad to lose an election since the far-left group formed in 2018.

Fellow "Squad" members Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Cori Bush (D-MO) are also facing very formidable challenges in their respective August primaries. 

Given some of the high profile primary results this cycle, far left progressivism isn't exactly mainstream among Dem voters. 

It's amazing what happens when voters who can barely afford day-to-day necessities are inundated with issues (i.e. 2SLGBTQIA+ "rights," fReE pAlEsTiNe, etc.) which will do nothing to quell those concerns. 

- If you're wondering how Minnesota has seemed to have taken a quantum leap towards becoming a "cold California" over the past 17 months.............'s because too many vital institutions are littered with staunch partisans assuming leadership roles. This never ends well. 


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