Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCLI

- Do you remember leading up to the 2020 presidential election when Joe Biden proclaimed "character, compassion, decency, science and democracy" were all on the ballot? The implication was that then President Donald Trump was an affront to all those things, thus a Biden presidency would restore those qualities. 

As we all know, Biden was elected POTUS that November. And how has he fared in this restoration project 3-1/2 years in?

Look, I get it. Trump sorely lacks character, compassion, decency, etc. But I would argue it's worse to elect someone President who espouses to possess those qualities while showing us otherwise as opposed to a guy who doesn't try to pretend he's something he's not. 

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson lays out how Biden's lack of compassion has been out in the open for some time. 


Again, bad things could happen to all our children. At some point, they could all be lost. But both Biden’s children descended into hell on earth, and Joe left them for the campaign trail. This is the same man who thought nothing of his dogs repeatedly biting the men and women whose jobs are to make his life comfortable and keep him safe.

This is the same man who thought nothing of abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, claiming they chose to stay.

This is the same man who has done little to rescue American citizens held hostage by Hamas.

And this is the same man who could have spared families the fear of deportation and waited until it was politically convenient for himself to do that.

That doesn’t sound like compassion. It sounds like narcissism.

Years ago, I wrote that the left would one day nominate and defend their own version of Donald Trump and would go to their deaths denying it. We are at that moment.

If all things are equal in the "personal attributes" department, then it shouldn't come as any surprise that a despised former President under investigation for multiple crimes is actually on track to return to the White House. 

- Let's check in with what elitist Minneapolis residents refer to as their "vibrant" city. 

As the dwellers who feel unsafe continue to sound the alarm about these incidents, the residents of toney neighborhoods like Linden Hills and Kenwood will continue to insist that they not believe their lying eyes.  

- Communications staffers for members of Congress typically make close to six figures per year. With that in mind, here's a tweet from Ben Kamens, who is the Communications Director for Democrat Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur out of Ohio. 

Most Americans are smart enough to know that there's no such thing as student debt being "canceled." No, the reality is it's being absorbed by taxpayers, many of whom never went to college but essentially end up paying for it. If Biden supporters and surrogates alike (oh hai St Paul Mayor Melvin Carter) believe that this sort of celebration is going to lock more people in to voting for the walking cadaver in the White House, I got a 4-year feminists studies degree I'd like to sell ya.


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