Sunday, June 09, 2024

But now I have finally seen the end (finally seen the end).....

Another Sunday, which means another edition of my radio show The Closer today, 1-3 PM Central Time. 

In the first hour I'll weigh in on President Joe Biden's toothless executive order when it comes to border security in the southern part of the U.S. 

Then in the 2:00 hour I'll discuss how its Hennepin County Mary Moriarty vs. everyone as she attempts to deflect attention from her stunning incompetence. And at 2:30, GOP candidate in Minnesota House District 32B Alex Moe will stop by to discuss his candidacy in this crucial swing district. 

So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 or, if you're near downtown Minneapolis/West Metro area, 107.5 FM on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio as well as Amazon Alexa (just say "Alexa, play The Patriot Minneapolis")If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.

And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.

Until then.....


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