Sunday, June 30, 2024

The NARN Closer's playlist - 6/30/2024


I need my conscience to keep watch over me......

With this being the last day of June, we're halfway through 2024, and what a ride it's been thus far. Since it's Sunday, I'll be in the Patriot bunker for my radio show The Closer. The 2-hour extravaganza gets started at 1:00 PM Central Time. 

I'll start the show discussing the current state of the presidential race after the first debate took place this past Thursday. Let's just to say I'm not any more optimistic about the future of this country than I was before said debate. 

At 1:30, Wendi Russo, Republican candidate for MN House District 49B (Eden Prairie), will join the broadcast to discuss her candidacy. 

Then at 2:00, school board members in Wisconsin's St. Croix County Dani Erickson (Somerset) and Scott Miller (Baldwin-Woodville) will be on to share their strategy in handling the Biden administration's changes to Title IX. 

So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 or, if you're near downtown Minneapolis/West Metro area, 107.5 FM on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio as well as Amazon Alexa (just say "Alexa, play The Patriot Minneapolis")If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.

And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.

Until then.....


Friday, June 28, 2024

Panic! At The DNC

I'm not certain what has Democrats more panicked: that the walking cadaver in the White House continues to deteriorate before our eyes or that they can no longer lie to Americans (at least not convincingly) about President Joe Biden's condition. 

After the first (and perhaps last?) presidential debate between Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday, the President could not even function properly in a format which best suited what little abilities he has remaining. 

Upon conclusion of the debate, many leftist talking heads were now willing to state the obvious: Biden is not a viable candidate going forward. 

Biden all but said at his State of the Union address a few months ago that it will essentially require a lead pipe and an ether-soaked rag to stop him from seeking reelection. Lord knows his dysfunctional family is not equipped to have that difficult conversation. 

Is it possible that Biden could be replaced as the Democrat candidate at the party's convention in less than two months? From what I've gathered, that would trigger a legal quagmire if delegates do not represent the will of Dem primary voters, of which an overwhelming majority voted for Biden. It appears they're stuck with him going forward. 

One theory floating out there was that some Dems pined for this early debate date so they could justify wanting to dissolve Biden's campaign given his feeble nature. Had the first debate occurred in the normal time frame of September, the Democrat National Convention would have occurred already, thus Biden would be the airtight nominee with no opportunities to replace him as the Dem candidate (short of his becoming incapacitated or dying of course). Personally I don't buy that theory since many of these same people were insisting that Biden was as sharp as ever when engaged in private endeavors. Nah, I'm more inclined to believe that Dems are so firmly entrenched in their bubble that they believed Trump's erratic behavior (like he exhibited in the first debate back in 2020) would elicit sympathy for Biden. And while Trump himself didn't exactly have a stellar night, he at least wasn't a frothing loon, which appeared to be the only criteria he had to meet to best the President in this encounter. 

In the end, we've been told that team Biden sequestered him away at Camp David for the entire week in preparation for this debate, yet could do little more than mumble incoherently through much of the night. If a President of the United States can't put forth a more credible performance despite all those circumstances, how can anyone believe he's that actively engaged in running America, much less possessing the ability to do so for another four years? 

Anybody know where I can get one of those upside down American Flags?


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Weird, wild stuff.

I met Marisa Simonetti, conservative Hennepin County Commissioner candidate in District 6, last month when she appeared on my NARN colleague Mitch Berg's radio show. I'll admit my first impression of her was quite favorable. From the tidbits I heard, she definitely had an intriguing personal story. On the surface, she was a young single mom with little fundraising prowess running an effective grassroots campaign which posed a threat to the political establishment in the Orono/Lake Minnetonka/Edina/Wayzata areas. 

In the special election last month, Simonetti finished a mere 9 points behind Heather Edelson, a former DFL state rep with nearly 100% name recognition in an area Gov. Tim Walz won his 2022 reelection by nearly 30 points. Pretty impressive considering the circumstances. Encouraged by that result, Simonetti chose to oppose Edelson in the general election this November. 

It's standard fare that when one opposes the prog power structure, the personal attacks will be off the charts. And while it's a daunting enough task to fend off said attacks which may be rooted in mere half-truths, I can't imagine how they land when a seedy and bizarre background is uncovered. 

Simonetti's strategy is to now go all Trumpian, which is to lean in to any allegations that may have even a grain of truth. 

And while I cringed upon seeing her "re-post" of this tweet......

.....I have to, at the very least, give her 100% kudos for her moxie. 

Even if Simonetti had not possessed all this baggage, it was highly unlikely that she was going to emerge victorious in her race this November. However, if we've learned anything about the state of politics in this day and age, Simonetti's no-holds-barred mindset may actually galvanize support among those who were planning to vote for her from the outset. 

Hey, speaking of the Northern Alliance Radio Network, Marisa Simonetti will be appearing on Jack Tomczak's show this Saturday at 4:00 PM on AM 1280 The Patriot. I know I'll be tuned in!


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCLII

- We just surpassed the 2-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Upon the announcement of that decision, staunch pro lifers knew full well that the most intense work was about to begin. Sure, the individual states could pass whatever abortion laws they desire, but no statute is ever going to completely eradicate infanticide.  

Former NFL player (and one of the most outspoken pro life figures) Ben Watson comes at this from a perspective which more pro lifers ought to broach

I want to issue a challenge to men in particular. We as a country are suffering our wounds of abortion in large part due to dereliction or outright abuse caused by men. Many women seeking abortion are victims of domestic violence or are unsupported by their male partner. Some men secretly want to stand up for their child in the womb but are too passive to protect their partner and child from the abortion industry. Others have been influenced by social trends and clever slogans, believing they can't speak out on this issue because they aren't women. While others simply feel ill equipped and unprepared to be a father or husband.

Meanwhile, for better or worse, men in public roles have made and continue to make decisions that affect the rest of the country, whether they be in the halls of Congress, in the White House, in a corporate boardroom, or with a major medical organization. Don't forget that it was a group of men who decided Roe v. Wade. Men like Alan Guttmacher played key roles in the eugenics movement and the abortion movement during the 20th century.

So to all conflicted men out there, just know that if you forfeit your sacred duty to protect your child or advocate for life because you don't want to "speak for" women, just know that other men will gladly take your place—and they may possess values diametrically opposed to yours. Your silence is their gift.

So when pro abortion folks hit back at men who defend life, they often do so with a talking point of "Well men should be forced to pay the lion's share of expenses for the pregnancy as well as financially support the child if they're advocating for the kid's birth." As a pro lifer myself, I say those terms are acceptable. 

- U.S. House prog collective "The Squad" is losing a member

Rep. Jamaal Bowman was trounced in a suburban New York race that became a referendum on progressives’ attitudes toward Israel and the most expensive House primary in U.S. history.

Moderate Democrat George Latimer bested Bowman on Tuesday by 17 points with 88 percent of the vote in, making Bowman the first member of the Squad to lose an election since the far-left group formed in 2018.

Fellow "Squad" members Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Cori Bush (D-MO) are also facing very formidable challenges in their respective August primaries. 

Given some of the high profile primary results this cycle, far left progressivism isn't exactly mainstream among Dem voters. 

It's amazing what happens when voters who can barely afford day-to-day necessities are inundated with issues (i.e. 2SLGBTQIA+ "rights," fReE pAlEsTiNe, etc.) which will do nothing to quell those concerns. 

- If you're wondering how Minnesota has seemed to have taken a quantum leap towards becoming a "cold California" over the past 17 months.............'s because too many vital institutions are littered with staunch partisans assuming leadership roles. This never ends well. 


Monday, June 24, 2024

Box Score of the Week

Brooklyn Dodgers at New York Giants - September 8, 1957.


A tribute to perhaps the greatest all-around player in MLB history: Willie Mays. 

In this game, Mays recorded his 20th triple of the 1957 season. Two seasons earlier, he hit 50 homers in a season for the first time in his career.

In MLB history, about 30 players have hit 20 triples in a season and less than 100 have hit at least 50 home runs in a given year. However, Mays is the only player to be a member of both clubs. 


Sunday, June 23, 2024

The NARN Closer's playlist - 6/23/2024


Backbeat, the word is on the street........

After broadcasting on Saturday last weekend, I'll be back in the Patriot bunker on this Sunday for my radio show The Closer. The two-hour bonanza gets started at 1:00 PM Central Time. 

It's a guest-a-palooza on today's broadcast: 

1:00 - Aaron Paul, Republican candidate for MN House District 54A (Shakopee).

1:30 - Angeline Anderson, Republican candidate for MN House District 56B (Rosemount, southeastern Eagan and southeaster Apple Valley). 

2:30 - Dr, Abigail Hall, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute and co-author of the book "How to Run Wars: A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite."

So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 or, if you're near downtown Minneapolis/West Metro area, 107.5 FM on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio as well as Amazon Alexa (just say "Alexa, play The Patriot Minneapolis")If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.

And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.

Until then.....


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCLI

- Do you remember leading up to the 2020 presidential election when Joe Biden proclaimed "character, compassion, decency, science and democracy" were all on the ballot? The implication was that then President Donald Trump was an affront to all those things, thus a Biden presidency would restore those qualities. 

As we all know, Biden was elected POTUS that November. And how has he fared in this restoration project 3-1/2 years in?

Look, I get it. Trump sorely lacks character, compassion, decency, etc. But I would argue it's worse to elect someone President who espouses to possess those qualities while showing us otherwise as opposed to a guy who doesn't try to pretend he's something he's not. 

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson lays out how Biden's lack of compassion has been out in the open for some time. 


Again, bad things could happen to all our children. At some point, they could all be lost. But both Biden’s children descended into hell on earth, and Joe left them for the campaign trail. This is the same man who thought nothing of his dogs repeatedly biting the men and women whose jobs are to make his life comfortable and keep him safe.

This is the same man who thought nothing of abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, claiming they chose to stay.

This is the same man who has done little to rescue American citizens held hostage by Hamas.

And this is the same man who could have spared families the fear of deportation and waited until it was politically convenient for himself to do that.

That doesn’t sound like compassion. It sounds like narcissism.

Years ago, I wrote that the left would one day nominate and defend their own version of Donald Trump and would go to their deaths denying it. We are at that moment.

If all things are equal in the "personal attributes" department, then it shouldn't come as any surprise that a despised former President under investigation for multiple crimes is actually on track to return to the White House. 

- Let's check in with what elitist Minneapolis residents refer to as their "vibrant" city. 

As the dwellers who feel unsafe continue to sound the alarm about these incidents, the residents of toney neighborhoods like Linden Hills and Kenwood will continue to insist that they not believe their lying eyes.  

- Communications staffers for members of Congress typically make close to six figures per year. With that in mind, here's a tweet from Ben Kamens, who is the Communications Director for Democrat Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur out of Ohio. 

Most Americans are smart enough to know that there's no such thing as student debt being "canceled." No, the reality is it's being absorbed by taxpayers, many of whom never went to college but essentially end up paying for it. If Biden supporters and surrogates alike (oh hai St Paul Mayor Melvin Carter) believe that this sort of celebration is going to lock more people in to voting for the walking cadaver in the White House, I got a 4-year feminists studies degree I'd like to sell ya.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Box Score of the Week

San Francisco Giants at Milwaukee Braves - July 16, 1964.


Both leadoff batters (Duke Snider for the Giants and Eddie Mathews for the Braves) each had at 300+ career home runs entering this game, the first such occurrence in MLB history. 


Saturday, June 15, 2024

The NARN Closer's playlist (Headliner edition) - 6/15/2024


If you're in the swing, money ain't everything.........

With Mitch Berg away on assignment today, I will be taking the reins of The Headliner edition of the Northern Alliance Radio Network. The 2-hour festivities get started at 1:00 PM Central Time. 

In the first hour, I'll weigh in on the red herring that was the Hunter Biden conviction on gun charges. 

In Minnesota, there looks to be a looming primary battle for Republicans to determine who will face Sen. Amy Klobuchar this November. 

In the second hour, two different GOP candidate for MN House will stop by. At 2:00, Patty Bradway will join us to discuss her candidacy in HD 36B (White Bear Lake, Vadnais Heights). Then at 2:30 we'll be joined by candidate Josh Jungling, who is running in 35A (Anoka, Coon Rapids). 

So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 or, if you're near downtown Minneapolis/West Metro area, 107.5 FM on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio as well as Amazon Alexa (just say "Alexa, play The Patriot Minneapolis")If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.

And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.

Until then.....


Thursday, June 13, 2024

No better encapsulation....

 .....of how the state of California is circling the proverbial drain.  

Check out this clip of fitness guru Jillian Michaels (hardly a rock-ribbed conservative) giving a laundry list of reasons why she's moving out of the state (WARNING: she lets a good number of f-bombs fly). 

Remember, Minnesota progs would love to institute similar whacked out laws if they maintain their state government trifecta after this November's election. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCL

- The First Son gets hit with a guilty verdict

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of all three felony counts related to his purchase and possession of a gun while he was addicted to crack cocaine.

The verdict marks the first time the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. One of the jurors told CBS News after the verdict that Hunter Biden "knew what he was doing when they told him he had to fill out that application" to purchase the gun.

"When he checked that box, he knew he was an addict," the juror said. "He knew he was using crack."

Hunter Biden displayed very little emotion as the verdict from the 12-person Delaware jury was read, and after the verdict was delivered, he hugged his wife and reached over to his attorneys.

The leftist media was more than happy to use Hunter as the proverbial sacrificial lamb to justify the sham Trump verdict, giving off an air of "sEe?!?!? No OnE iS aBoVe ThE lAw!!!!" Of course they conveniently omit how just last year the attorney handpicked by the Biden DOJ attempted to push Hunter through with a sweetheart plea deal on far more serious charges. And because multiple felony charges were slow-walked to trial, the statute of limitations almost ran out

But perhaps the most delicious irony of the day? Hunter's old man was giving a speech on "gun control" after the verdict was announced. And as Fox News was airing the speech live, they posted conspicuously a certain headline on the right side of the screen. 

Musta been an awkward time at the Biden dinner table Tuesday evening. 

- Former MN State Senator (and personal friend of my wife and me) Michelle Benson weighed in on the GOP race to be the sacrificial lamb oppose Sen. Amy Klobuchar this November. 


Never one to answer substantive criticism, the endorsed GOP candidate for U.S. Senator out of Minnesota responded. 


Like I've said many times before, Klobee will be our senior U.S. Senator for as long as she desires. But it's important to at least put forth a dignified opponent so as not to depress support for down ticket races. Sorry, MNGOP delegates, but Royce White ain't it. 

- MSNBC talk show host Rachel Maddow is preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump will be elected President this November. As such, she's approaching this plausible scenario with her typical measured and rational tone. 

Rep. Tide Pod Evita Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also expressed similar fears that Trump would jail her if he's elected President. 

Maddow enjoyed a significant ratings boon during the first Trump term while AOC often used the Trump years to drum up campaign contributions. Bottom line is these two really don't believe this bull crap regarding "detention camps", but they're more than willing to grift off of it. 


Monday, June 10, 2024

Box Score of the Week

Kansas City Royals at Seattle Mariners - May 27, 1981.


Like last week, Lenny Randle is the key figure in this installment of BSOTW. 

As a Mariners infielder this game, Randle came up with a rather original approach in an attempt to deny Royals batter Amos Otis a base hit. 


Sunday, June 09, 2024

The NARN Closer's playlist - 6/9/2024


But now I have finally seen the end (finally seen the end).....

Another Sunday, which means another edition of my radio show The Closer today, 1-3 PM Central Time. 

In the first hour I'll weigh in on President Joe Biden's toothless executive order when it comes to border security in the southern part of the U.S. 

Then in the 2:00 hour I'll discuss how its Hennepin County Mary Moriarty vs. everyone as she attempts to deflect attention from her stunning incompetence. And at 2:30, GOP candidate in Minnesota House District 32B Alex Moe will stop by to discuss his candidacy in this crucial swing district. 

So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 or, if you're near downtown Minneapolis/West Metro area, 107.5 FM on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio as well as Amazon Alexa (just say "Alexa, play The Patriot Minneapolis")If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.

And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.

Until then.....


Friday, June 07, 2024

The right thing to do

As someone who hosts a radio show on the Salem Radio Network, I feel as though I have to occasionally tread lightly when discussing certain topics.'s not so much the content which gives me pause as much as it is who's espousing the opinions on said content. For instance, I've taken issue with several things SRN national host Charlie Kirk has said on his show or in his public speeches. While it's perfectly fine to disagree with his words, I've found myself crossing the line by getting personal when talking about Kirk himself (I know. I need to be better than that). 

Perhaps the biggest struggle I endured was over Dinesh D'Souza's documentary 2000 Mules. This was a project which spun a tale of certain individuals in Georgia casting absentee ballots in the 2020 presidential election which legally didn't belong to them. These allegations were supported by the film airing what we were told was surveillance footage of the "mules" dropping off ballots in multiple lockboxes. Because D'Souza aired a podcast through SRN online, his doc was widely plugged by our organization's many affiliates. He even granted interviews on a good number of the radio stations, including a segment on my show back in May 2022. However, I personally did not conduct the interview, rather a pre-record with D'Souza was inserted into a segment on my broadcast. As many of my blog readers/radio show listeners may know, I often hit back at claims of widespread fraud in Georgia, a normally reliable red state which Joe Biden won narrowly in 2020. As such, had I been asked to promote D'Souza's documentary, I would have unequivocally declined. 

I share all this to say that I am grateful (and downright relieved) that the beloved organization who allows me to broadcast a show two hours every Sunday has seen the light

Salem Media Group said that it has pulled Dinesh D’Souza’s movie 2000 Mules from its platforms, issuing an apology to a Georgia man who was falsely accused of illegal voting activity in the project.

D’Souza’s documentary grossed almost $1.5 million in its 2022 release, as it made a number of claims that the 2020 election was rigged to an extent that Donald Trump would have won key battleground states. But a number of D’Souza’s claims were quickly debunked, per Nevertheless, Trump cited the movie in his ongoing claims that the election was stolen from him.

In its statement, Salem said, In publishing the film and the book, we relied on representations made to us by Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote, Inc. that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by TTV, including Mr. Andrews, illegally deposited ballots. We have learned that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has cleared Mr. Andrews of illegal voting activity in connection with the event depicted in 2000 Mules.

Salem added, “It was never our intent that the publication of the 2000 Mules film and book would harm Mr. Andrews. We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews’ image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family. We have removed the film from Salem’s platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem.”

This came less than a year after Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted he lied about Georgia election workers (for which he absurdly claimed First Amendment protections) mishandling ballots in that very same 2020 election. Giuliani was ultimately found liable to the tune of $148 million. 

I'm not a person who takes pleasure in others' suffering when I am proven right for questioning their character. But I will say I feel vindicated, especially in light of some AM 1280 listeners calling station management to demand I be fired for being too "anti-Trump" (funny how these people never addressed the substance of my criticism though). But hey, all is forgiven. Feel free to call my show anytime.


Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCXLIX

 - Given the mass influx of illegal aliens through the southern U.S. border, the issue of immigration has become a top three concern among voters this election cycle. Had President Joe Biden not reversed former President Donald Trump's immigration executive orders at the beginning of his term, this wouldn't be the crisis it is. But to take action now would be an admittance of his administration's ineptitude on the issue while also alienating his voters who strongly support open borders. 

On Tuesday, Biden issued an executive order to limit asylum seekers into the country. But as The Editors at National Review point out, this will accomplish little.  

The claim is that the new executive order will impel administration officials to close the border once the seven-day average of illegal entries hits 2,500 per day. But there are many loopholes that allow the administration to avoid this and continue to admit bogus asylum seekers at a rate of over a million per year. The executive order would not address the 1,500 migrants per day who use the CBP One app at ports of entry. It doesn’t affect the tens of thousands of migrants a month who fly directly to the United States and are “paroled” into the country, via a kind of rolling amnesty for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans. The executive order does little to combat the pipeline of asylum seekers who come from countries outside of the Western Hemisphere. Ukrainians, Russians, Afghans, and Eritreans have been pioneering a path of flying to South America and then crossing the formerly impassable Darién Gap on foot before trekking through Mexico to the U.S. border. The U.S. encountered 6,000 Chinese nationals crossing the Mexican border in December 2023 alone.

What the Biden administration has done consistently is propose rules that allow them to wave in more immigrants but advertise the new guidelines as border-control measures. For example, the Times claims that in May the administration proposed a rule change that would allow officers to quickly identify people who are ineligible to receive asylum, such as those who have been convicted of “a serious crime.” In fact, the proposal to allow asylum officers to make snap assessments gave the administration more leeway to process people through its border turnstile, without an adversarial interview with a judge.

In February of 2021, the Biden administration issued an executive order it advertised as “Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration System and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans.” The results afterward? Tent cities springing up across the West Coast, and mayors in Chicago and New York trying to dump recent arrivals onto nearby suburbs.

Nobody fell for the political ruse then. We hope nobody does now.

Like the felony conviction against Trump, this will barely (if at all) move the needle in Biden's direction. Especially in light of a damning Wall Street Journal report discussing his ever diminishing capacity.  

- From the millisecond Caitlin Clark was drafted #1 overall by the WNBA's Indiana Fever, there have been players past and present proclaiming that she's in for a rude awakening. Specifically, it's not going to be nearly as easy to score 30+ points per game in the pros as she did in her final year at the University of Iowa. 

While I take no issue with Clark being incessantly trash talked, suffocated defensively or on the receiving end of hard fouls, it's downright thuggish to take cheap shots and then celebrate it. 

It's no accident that attendance at Indiana Fever games (home and away) has risen dramatically since Clark's arrival. And it's also not a coincidence that WNBA teams are now able to charter flights given the increase in revenue the league is experiencing thanks to Clark's presence. 

In the end, I believe any animosity shown towards Clark is a result of sheer jealousy. The WNBA has not been all that popular in the more than quarter century of its existence despite it containing exceptionally talented athletes. But the idea that people are now paying attention on a level not seen in the league's history has pissed off a lotta current and former players to the point they're practically shouting "WHERE Y'ALL BEEN?!?!?!" 

- Oh, man. Progs are eating their own here in Minnesota. 

Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty alleged publicly again Tuesday that DFL Gov. Tim Walz treats her differently than her male predecessor because she's a queer woman, a claim swiftly rebutted by the governor and his allies.

Moriarty initially made the comment to a Star Tribune reporter on Sunday as she revealed that she would drop the murder and manslaughter charges against State Trooper Ryan Londregan in the shooting of Ricky Cobb II last summer during a traffic stop.

The top prosecutor in the state's most populous county talked at length about her critics, including the governor, saying they are delegitimizing the system.

She said the criticism was personal as well. "I never saw this happen to my predecessor," she said in the interview. "Why is the governor treating me this way? Why is the governor questioning me is something I've asked myself and others quite a few times."

When asked why she believes that to be the case, Moriarty said, "I think it's because I'm a queer woman in this role. I think it's because he looks at the political winds and which way they're blowing and I think that's what he reacts to, which is horrible."

Yeah Mare, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact you attempted to hand down unconscionably lenient sentences to violent offenders but then look to prosecute a law enforcement officer while attempting to disallow a "use of force" expert who could provide exculpatory testimony. And then those who believe it was unjust to prosecute MN State Trooper Ryan Londregan in the first place were tantamount to January 6 rioters in your eyes

Nope. No possibility whatsoever that woeful incompetence was why criticism was directed towards you.


Monday, June 03, 2024

Box Score of the Week

Cleveland Indians at Texas Rangers - May 29, 1974.


In the bottom of the 8th inning, Indians pitcher Milt Wilcox threw a pitch behind Rangers batter Lenny Randle. On the next pitch, Randle laid down a bunt for what appeared to be an opportunity to retaliate against Wilcox. 


Sunday, June 02, 2024

The NARN Closer's playlist - 6/2/2024


I was born in a cross-fire hurricane.........

Slow news week, eh?

After a rare and well deserved break last week, I am back in the Patriot bunker today for my radio show The Closer. The 2-hour blitz gets started at 1:00 PM Central Time. 

In the first hour, I'll weigh in on former President Donald Trump being convicted on 34 counts of "falsifying business records." As an unabashed Trump critic (and someone who has vowed to never vote for him for anything ever), I will even concede this conviction is a bridge too far. 

In the second hour I'll discuss DFLers calling on alleged burglar Sen. Nicole Mitchell (DFL-Woodbury) to resign only after they allowed her to be the deciding vote on critical legislation. At 2:30, GOP candidate in Minnesota House District 48B Caleb Steffenhagen will join the broadcast to tout his candidacy. This particular HD (comprised of Chanhassen and eastern Chaska) is one of a handful of DFL held districts which are ripe for a flip. 

So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
You can listen live in the Twin Cities at AM 1280 or, if you're near downtown Minneapolis/West Metro area, 107.5 FM on your radio dial. In and out of the Minneapolis-St Paul area you can listen to the program on the Internet by clicking this link, or check us out via iheart radio as well as Amazon Alexa (just say "Alexa, play The Patriot Minneapolis")If you're unable to tune in live, please check out my podcast page for the latest show post.

And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.

Until then.....
