Has spring finally sprung? Regardless, I'll be in the Patriot bunker for today's edition of my radio show The Closer. The 2-hour festivities get started at 1:00 PM Central Time.
In the first hour, I'll weigh in on the disgraceful performance by Democrat members of Congress during last week's address given by President Donald Trump. It was so pathetic that many fellow Dems were abhorred.
At 1:30, Vice President of Legal Affairs at Landmark Legal Foundation Michael O'Neill will join the broadcast to discuss how legal challenges to President Trump's executive orders can be overcome.
Then in the second hour I will weigh in on Minnesota political news, specifically the upcoming budget forecasts being worse than initially thought. Also, Minnesota Dems (like their national counterparts) continue to show how out of touch they are with regular folks.
So please call (651) 289-4488 if you'd like to weigh in on any of the topics we plan on addressing.
And if you're so inclined, follow along on Twitter at #NARNShow or "Like" our Facebook page, where we also conduct a "Live Stream" of the broadcast.
Until then.....
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