Wednesday, March 05, 2025

I'll see your incoherence and raise you utter derangement

I don't recall the exact quote from Sean Davis of The Federalist, so I'll paraphrase: "President Trump's greatest asset continues to be the idiocy of his most fervent detractors."

Never was that more apparent than during (and after) Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night. 

The thing is, there was plenty to critique about Trump's rhetoric, specifically his dubious comments about the economy. But the increasingly deranged and out-of-touch Democrats (as well as their media lapdogs) continue to show their stunning disdain for regular Americans. 

First off, their intention to hold up protest signs when Trump said something they felt was objectionable. 

Now, the staffers for these Dem members of Congress are likely of the Millennial and Gen Z generations, right? So why didn't said staffers alert their bosses that these are some of the most humiliating, meme-able optics on the internet? Well, maybe these Dems were given a heads up but because they're so blinded by their anti-Trump rage they simply didn't care. That stunt was such an exploding cigar in the face that even an MSNBC panel called it out. 

How clouded is the progs' vision due to anti-Trump hysteria? They couldn't even stand and applaud for a young man being surprised with an announcement of his acceptance into West Point......

......or honoring a 13-year old kid battling cancer. 

Not to be outdone, MSNBC gal Nicole Wallace with a rather deranged take on DJ's career aspirations. 


I don't know that it was Trump's intention to show how firmly entrenched in a bubble these Democrats seem to be. If indeed that wasn't his motivation, I'm not sure an actual concerted effort could have achieved a better outcome. 


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