Friday, September 13, 2024

Review: Am I Racist?

On Thursday evening, my wife & I and some dear friends partook in the film Am I Racist?, a project from the folks at Daily Wire

DW's Matt Walsh was the central figure of this film, which explored the practice of racially oppressed people looking to not only eradicate racism (a noble undertaking to be sure) but also encourage white people to apologize for their whiteness (which is downright deranged). For the majority of the movie, Walsh sported a man bun and grey sport coat in an effort to be undercover as a certified expert in D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).  He then proceeded to caricature someone who claims such expertise. This was often met with hilarious results, specifically people not batting an eye when signing a fake petition requesting to change the name of the Washington Monument to "The George Floyd Memorial." There was also a shocking moment where white folks sitting through an anti-racist workshop were willing to literally flagellate themselves with a whip. 

One thing I was struck by was the individuals who moderated the various anti-racism classes/seminars charged unconscionable sums of money for the privilege of telling white people that their mere existence has been a plague on society. The movie also disclosed the amount of money each "instructor" (all of whom detailed their journey of lifelong oppression) pulled in for a specific gathering. Let's just say that perpetual victimhood appears to be a lucrative endeavor these days. 

Perhaps the key moment of the film was when Walsh sat down with White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo. I'm not going to give too much away, but if you think someone like Ms. DiAngelo is extreme in her regrets over whiteness, Walsh somehow baited her into taking it to another level. 

In the end, the inimitable Thomas Sowell was vindicated when he said “Racism is not dead, but it is on life support – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racists'.

A sense of superiority as well as dollar dollar bills y'all.

Yes, I highly recommend this film. 


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