Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Foreign meddling in elections for we, not for ye


Progressives, basically. 

After more than two years of squealing like stuck pigs that Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 due to Russia meddling in our elections (along with the unadulterated bullsh*t claims that Trump himself was a Russian asset), progs are pulling out all the stops to ensure Trump doesn't return to the White House. And one tactic they've employed recently? It's one which they've spent nearly a decade decrying. 

Erick Erickson breaks it down

(Dems and the media) are all strangely silent over the latest foreign interference in our elections.

That would be President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, on the American taxpayer’s dime, going to — surprise, surprise — highly contested Pennsylvania to thank munitions manufacturing employees.

In an interview, he also attacked Republican Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance as “too radical.”

Look, I'm not totally opposed to providing assistance to Ukraine in defense of their country against the Russian offensive. However, I concede it's lunacy to a offer a proverbial blank check to this effort when the U.S. is already on the brink of financial ruin. So with that said, it's utterly reckless of President Zelenskyy to make such a characterization of a man who could well be Vice President of the United States in less than four months and thus have influence over foreign policy decisions. 

Back to Erickson. 

It was political, policy, and presidential malpractice for (President Joe) Biden to let Zelenskyy go down that road. Biden has compromised support for Ukraine by tying it directly to a partisan presidential election.

And notice just how approving so much of the press corps and Democrats are who regularly wail about election interference in the United States. They seem to be just fine with it if it helps Democrats.

So please do not be surprised when more Republicans turn against Ukraine and fewer care about the very real issue of electoral interference by foreign governments. It looks like the Democrats and much of the press really don’t care so long as it helps the left or, at least, hurts Donald Trump.

This was disgusting and deep down many of you who deny it actually know it was. Bad precedents just keep being set.

The one irreversible precedent that has been set? There no longer seems to be a single core principle which unites that vast majority of Americans. 


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