Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Quick Hits: Volume CCCIV

 - What Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is to the left, Marjorie Taylor Green is to the right

What does that say about Congresswoman Taylor Greene and her ilk that they couldn't put forth a coherent agenda in 2022 in order to defeat a party touting "woke culture issues" and "traitorous America Last policies?" 

A national divorce is a terrible idea on so many levels, so let's concentrate on the federalist system we already have in place. Remember how we're a country made up of "50 laboratories of democracy?" States opting for more freedom and less oppressive government (i.e. Florida and Texas) are seeing incredible net positive migration, whereas institutional blue states New York and California are hemorrhaging populace.  

Seems to me that building bridges is far more efficient and worthwhile than nuking them.

- Washington Post "journalist" Taylor Lorenz has serious issues. 


Well first off, putting "hope" into anything temporal will ultimately leave one feeling despair. Secondly, while America is far from perfect, I would venture a guess that those who trash this country so vociferously have not lived more than a year outside the continental United States. 

- An 80-year old man with obvious mental and physical limitations should not be President of the United States, much less think about running for another 4- year term. But there is a real sense that President Joe Biden may indeed pass on a reelection bid.

A decision from Biden to forego another run would amount to a political earthquake not seen among Democrats in more than a half century, when Lyndon B. Johnson paired his partial halting of the U.S. bombing of Vietnam with his announcement to step aside, citing deepening “division in the American house now.”

It would unleash an avalanche of attention on his vice president, Kamala Harris, whose uneven performances have raised doubts among fellow Democrats about her ability to win — either the primary, the general election, or both. And it would dislodge the logjam Biden himself created in 2020 when he dispatched with the sprawling field of Democratic contenders, a field that included Harris.

“Obviously, it creates doubts and problems if he waits and waits and waits,” said Democratic strategist Mark Longabaugh, who continues to believe Biden will run — and that he won’t put off a decision for too long. “But if he were to somehow not declare ‘til June or something, I think some people would be stomping around.”

“There would be a lot of negative conversation … among Democratic elites, and I just think that would force them to ultimately have to make a decision,” Longabaugh added. “I just don’t think he can dance around until sometime in the summer.”

It'd be interesting to see if any Democrats have the fortitude to jump into the race anyways, and then put up a challenge to Biden if indeed he waits until summer to announce his reelection bid. It's reminiscent of the 1980 campaign when then incumbent President Jimmy Carter received a intraparty challenge from Sen. Ted Kennedy. With Carter experiencing woeful job approval ratings, Kennedy believed he could take advantage. However, Kennedy lost in a brokered convention in August of 1980.

I'm kinda hoping history repeats itself here in that an incumbent Dem POTUS receiving a formidable challenge from his own party would make great talk show/blogging fodder. It would also mean a bloodied Democrat President gets shellacked by the Republican challenger in the general. 

Dare to dream.


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