Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Heartbreak and despair

As the United States earlier this week was winding down its presence in Afghanistan in what had been nearly a 20-year war, there are a pair of lasting images which may well have an impact as profound as a U.S. helicopter departing Saigon and a naked girl running in horror through the streets after a South Vietnamese napalm attack

Some Afghanis were so desperate to flee their country that they made ill fated attempts to clutch the tires of U.S. aircraft as they took flight. The result was horrifyingly predictable. 

When seeing that image, it conjured up the picture of a person free falling from one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.

I'm sure the symbolism wasn't lost on many. The whole reason for going to war in Afghanistan was to remove the Taliban government, a ruling body which was providing safe harbor to Al Qaeda terrorists looking to destroy the western world. 

Essentially we've come full circle. The Taliban was in control in Afghanistan during the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, the day the man pictured above plunged to his death in NYC. Nearly 20 years later, the Taliban is back in control and innocent people are once again choosing to leap to their deaths to avoid atrocities sure to be wrought. 

In between, countless American and Afghani lives were lost in fighting this war, one which has lacked clear direction for the better part of a decade. And how many billions of taxpayers dollars were also spent to stockpile weaponry (which is now likely to fall into the hands of the most nefarious elements) to engage in this conflict? 

But hey, let's not turn into complete Gloomy Gus's. At least we got to fly a "Pride flag" at one of our military bases in Afghanistan. I'm sure the family members of those who perished in a war whose purpose is being questioned with each passing day can take solace in that, right? 


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