Thursday, August 12, 2021

He seems nice

From Devin Hogan, chair of the Minneapolis DFL, regarding the unrest in his city in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd:  

Like it or not, setting the Third Precinct on fire was a genuine revolutionary moment. An act of pure righteousness to open new worlds of understanding. The people declared themselves ungovernable and unilaterally took their power back. The largest international human rights movement in modern history had begun. The youth of Minneapolis carried all of this. The cops started it.

This is the kind of crazy, unhinged s**t that progs can get away with in a city like Minneapolis. And given the DFL has a stranglehold on the entire state of Minnesota, state party chair Ken Martin can easily dismiss this for what it is, which is fringe lunacy. 


I condemn Hogan’s dangerous, violent and inflammatory rhetoric. Let me be clear: these comments reflect the views of one person, Devin Hogan. They do not reflect the views of the Minnesota DFL Party or the Minneapolis DFL Party (Minnesota DFL? Maybe. But Minneapolis??? I wouldn't be so sure- ed.), and they certainly do not reflect the views of any elected officials in our party with whom I have spoken.

My former NARN colleague Ed Morrissey asked a key question here. 

We should also ask what side the Star Tribune will take. Despite using Hogan as a go-to source for comment in DFL matters in the past year, they have yet to report on Hogan’s cheerleading for the riots and the “revolution.” Shouldn’t the main print news outlet in a city cover that kind of development?

Well......technically they did, but only from the standpoint of how key figures in both parties reacted to the news. 

This saga brings ample opportunity for the Editorial Board to take a stan.....BWHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang it! I almost got that out with a straight face. 


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