Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Quick Hits: Volume CCXXX

 - By now you have likely heard the story of two Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies being gunned down in Compton over the weekend. Thankfully, the two officers will likely survive the attack. 

If leftists had any semblance of intellectual consistency (Yeah, I know. Work with me here), they would acknowledge their inflammatory rhetoric towards law enforcement is leading to violence against police. I say that because Sarah Palin placing a symbolic cross-hairs symbol on a Congressional map was, in the mind of many in the "de-fund the police" crowd, the main reason Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in Tucson, AZ by an apolitical madman in early 2011. Oh, and another point of flaming hypocrisy? We've been told by members of Black Lives Matter, et al that there are no "good apples" among law enforcement, yet people of that same ilk blocking the hospital entrance where the LASD deputies were brought and subsequently yelling "WE HOPE THEY DIE!!" are supposedly not indicative of BLM activists as a whole. 

In the end, the only person responsible for this shooting is the assailant. Period. Speaking of which, let's hope "WOKE!" NBA star LeBron James takes up the LA Sheriff's challenge to match the reward money for information leading to an arrest of the gunman. This shouldn't be too difficult for Bronny to embrace since he's often invoking the Martin Luther King, Jr. quote of "Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."

- shakedown or shake-down[ sheyk-doun ]


extortion, as by blackmail or threats of violence

Here is a tweet (now deleted) posted by Shadi Hamid, contributor to The Atlantic, promoting his latest piece

Translation: Nice little country ya got there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it

- When satire is literally indistinguishable from news reports

Look, I get it. CNN knows its audience and thus realizes it would be a veritable sh*t storm were they to characterize this as a political boon for the Trump administration.  But for a network whose personalities get so morally offended when they're chided "fake news" by Trump and his supporters, they sure work overtime to validate those criticisms. 


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