Friday, November 03, 2023

Against anti-Semitism*

When the Tree of Life synagogue shooting occurred in late October of 2018 (an incident which resulted in 11 deaths), it was universally condemned for what it was -- a blatant attack on people of the Jewish faith simply because of who they are. Sure, there was the obligatory politicization of the incident, but the one conclusion all politicos reached was the shooter was a virulent anti-Semite. 

Fast forward to today. In the nearly four weeks since Israel lost more than a thousand of its citizens to a Hamas terror attack, thus ramping up anti-Semitic sentiments in the U.S., the Biden administration is warning of a rise in........Islamophobia?!?!?!?!

To me, this is pretty simple. The leftists were more than willing to acknowledge the plight of Jewish people in the Tree of Life tragedy 5 years ago because the first midterm election of then President Donald Trump's tenure was a little more than a week away. As such, demagoguery of "gun violence" against the Jews was something they believed they could use as a cudgel against Republicans. Today, more than a few high profile Dems have expressed disdain for Israel (**koff** The Squad **koff**) and it isn't a good look for their party, hence the pathetic attempt to suggest anti-Muslim sentiments are now out of control. 

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson sees right through this


Joe Biden loves to lecture Americans about racism, hatred, bigotry, and white nationalism. CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times have blasted the rising white nationalists of the right and the tiki torch whites who marched in Charlottesville, VA. But when it comes to anti-semitism from the left, Joe Biden and much of the media want to understand both sides. Hamas supporters are, in the streets of American cities, tearing down posters of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas. The New York Times is more upset at people filming the Hamas supporters and identifying them. According to the paper, Hamas’s champions are the victims by being unable to protest by taking down pictures of actual victims.

This is all moral cowardice. It is a rhetorical fog to mask the evil. Joe Biden wants to prattle on about anti-Semitism in one breath and Islamophobia in the next three breaths because his party is overrun with Islamic terrorist sympathizers championing Hamas’s evil and the genocide of the Jews. Instead of boldly denouncing the evil, he needs these terrorist sympathizers to win re-election. So he will preach Islamophobia, hoping the tiger comes for him last — just after he has secured money for Israel.

Indeed, Joe Biden’s heart is in the right place. He wants to support Israel. But the squeaky wheel gets greased and the squeakiest wheel in the Democratic Party eerily sounds a bit too much like early twentieth-century German for comfort. Academics, students, and Democrat voters are marching in urban areas calling for the extermination of Jews and a ceasefire for Hamas to rearm. The President of the United States feeling the need to humor these champions of evil is morally repugnant. Do not expect the American press corps to shame him. Since October 7, we have seen them nuance evil too much to not recognize their complicity with it.

What kind of times do we live in when the slaughter and desecration of small children isn't unequivocally evil? Yeah, this goes way beyond being a political issue. 


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