Friday, April 07, 2023

Our perpetually corrupt media

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was charting his own course during the COVID-19 pandemic, it angered leftists and their media lapdogs. Since progs saw the pandemic as an opportunity to exploit a crisis, it would have upset their narrative terribly had Florida not had a high death rate or endure a cratering state economy despite DeSantis refusing to implement locking down the state. 

Ah, but that's where an employee of the Florida Dept. of Health by the name of Rebekah Jones came in. 

Jones was touted as a "whistleblower" for her claims that DeSantis ordered her to fudge COVID data so as to give appearances that the state was not suffering to the same degree as New York, New Jersey, etc. With little to no scrutiny assigned to Jones' claim, the media ran with it. Why? For literally no reason other than to make a conservative governor appear corrupt. Had journalists done a little digging into Jones' questionable background, they might have saved themselves a little embarrassment. 

You would think after that humiliating saga that the media would humble themselves and admit.......BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! 😂😂😂 Man, I crack myself up sometimes. 

Anyhow, I give you all that background to bring you to Wednesday's saga.

Again, given the source, such fantastical claims should be given further scrutiny.

I guess the Miami Herald couldn't be bothered with such standards. 

Naturally, progs on social media ran with this claim faster than Dom DeLuise at a Krispy Kreme last call (h/t Dennis Miller). 

I'm certain you'll be shocked, SHOCKED to learn that some key context was left out

An incident report released Thursday afternoon by the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office allege that the 13-year-old made repeated threats to shoot up Holley Navarre Middle School and to stab students who angered him.

Investigators interviewed multiple students who spoke with the teenager, as well as those who saw messages he posted on social media. In the messages to his friends, the teenager made the following statements, among others:

“I want to shoot up the school.”

If I get a gun I’m gonna shoot up hnms lol.”

“I’m getting a wrath and natural selection shirt so maybe but I don’t think many ppl know what the columbine shooters look like.”

“Okay so it’s been like 3-4 weeks since I got on my new antidepressants and they aren’t working but they’re suppose to by now so I have no hope in getting better so why not kill the losers at school.”

The teenager told one of his friends that he planned to shoot up the school the Thursday before Spring Break but there were too many things going on so he postponed it until March 31.

The students reported the claims to the school prior to that date and the investigation was launched.

The teenager was homeschooled at the time of the alleged threats.

Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office investigators called the boy’s mother, Rebekah Jones, who said the family was vacationing in Mississippi but would call investigators when she returned. During the interview, Rebekah Jones confirmed there were no guns in the residents and the only weapons were kitchen knives, which she has stored in a locked box.

That's not to say Jones' son was serious about carrying out the threats, but to say it was as benign as posting "memes" is an absurd mischaracterization. 

These days more than ever progs views DeSantis with greater disdain than they do Donald Trump given he would have a legitimate chance to be elected President were he to become the Republican nominee in 2024. As such, proggie media is willing to take the word of a confirmed fabricator like Jones as long as she spews things that cripple DeSantis (even though they're not true) . I believe this is what Jim Geraghty labeled nearly a decade ago as "narrative journalism" where straight facts are not the priority. This is not a healthy place to be in a supposed first world country. 


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