Friday, April 28, 2023

Minnesota sanctimony

Leftist networks have of late been propping up Democrat governors in an attempt to draw a contrast to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, perhaps the most popular GOP guv in America. 

On Friday, it was Minnesota's own Nebraska Fats Tim Walz. 

Freedom? You mean where literal speech you don't like should be criminalized

Decency? Like undermining the desires of parents by yanking from their homes their pre-adult children when the kids suggest they may be the wrong gender, thus allowing them to acquiesce to life-altering (and potentially harmful) treatments/surgeries? Or allowing the murder of babies literally moments before they're born? 

Compassion? By overtaxing hard-working, financially-struggling Minnesotans but then instead of returning the "surplus" to them, you use it to pay for pet "progressive" projects and then hike their taxes to boot? 

Just think if the 2022 campaign messaging from DFLers was actually reflective of their true intentions. 

I literally no longer have the mental energy to once again declare "WE TOLD YOU SO."


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