Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Quick Hits: Volume CCLXIII

 - Disgraced former Republican Party of MN Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan will not seek her old job in this weekend's election for interim Chair. Nevertheless, she is still attempting to exert whatever influence she has. 

Innuendos. Personal attacks. Randomly capitalized words. Projection. It's reminiscent of the postings her guy Donald Trump regularly emitted when he was President. 

And do ya ever notice she is constantly invoking her story and/or ethnic background (i.e. a Korean abandoned as a baby, subsequently adopted) in all these interviews and statements? It's almost as if she's using it as a distraction from the fallout of her poor leadership as party chair.

- Pretty much any legislation that "progressives" try to move forward would be unpopular with a majority of voters. And progs know this, which is why they have to fabricate what kind of impact their policy proposals would have. 

Liberal pundits contend that the $3.5 trillion welfare-state expansion “costs perhaps zero” because it is “paid for.” Even if we concede that the reconciliation bill contains the kind of tax hikes that can offset short-term outlays, the expenditure does not change. Simply because you can afford a car (or in this case, your parents can afford to buy you one) doesn’t mean the car doesn’t cost anything. Helpful liberals tried to frame the difference in “gross” and “net” costs. But every penny of the bill is money taken from someone, either today or tomorrow — usually from a more useful part of the economy. (Or, likely, it will be lots more debt spending. That isn’t “zero,” either, even if our political parties act like it.)

I've asked this before and I'll ask again. Which bothers you more, the fact they flat out lie to us or that they believe we're too stupid to draw a distinction between fantasy and reality?

- President Joe Biden received his COVID booster shot on Monday. Health officials approved shots for Americans ages 65 and older as well as adults with co-morbidities. 

Upon receiving his shot, Biden was asked how many Americans need to be vaccinated in order for the U.S. to "get back to normal."

That is a complete detachment from reality. Medical experts would be hard pressed to name any ailment which needed that high a vax rate to be eradicated. 

Incoherent statements like that is why Biden finds himself underwater in terms of the public's opinion of his handling of the virus. 


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