Monday, November 02, 2020

A misguided sentiment

As we've been smack dab in the midst of another election season, you've likely been bombarded with the sentiment "Vote like your life depends on it!" If I'm being charitable, I would merely say such a mindset is misguided. And if I'm being blunt, I'd reply with "GET A GRIP YOU FREAKING LOON!!!"

Oh sure, dependent upon who's in what office I may pay more or less in taxes, be subject to more or less government regulation when engaging in certain activities, etc. But this idea that such scenarios are so life altering shows how we have lost our way as a country. Quite simply, it's unhealthy to put so much faith in fallible human beings. Why do you think we see so many relationships fractured because of differences in political worldview? 

My emotional and physical well-being is predicated upon critical decisions I alone make in my life, none of which are related to politics. So regardless of whether my preferred candidates prevail this election cycle, I will never cease praying for guidance from my Lord & Savior. In short, no, I will not vote like my life depends on it. Because it doesn't.


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