Tuesday, July 05, 2016

No surprise

"There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail."

Who said that?!?!? We'll get back to it.

But first.....

The FBI lifted a major legal threat to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign Tuesday, recommending no criminal charges for her handling of highly classified material in a private email account.

However, Hillary was certainly not immune from criticism.

But Director James Comey's scathing criticism of her "extremely careless" behavior revitalized Republican attacks and guaranteed the issue will continue to dog her.

Be that as it may, laws are indeed for little people.

Comey's announcement effectively removed any possibility of criminal prosecution arising from Clinton's email practices as President Barack Obama's secretary of state. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said last week that she intended to accept the recommendations of the FBI and of career prosecutors.

 As is usually the case, my friend and Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg summed it up better than I ever could.

I'll make no bones about the fact that I think Hillary Clinton is utterly qualified to be a terrible president, that she was the second-worst Secretary of State in the past 100 years (Albright was worse), and that along with her husband she set back "feminism" a generation (for better or worse).

And yeah, I think the fact that the FBI, which answers to Loretta Lynch's DOJ, magically decided to recommend "no charges" in this probe despite multiple serious violations of the law (as laid out by former Federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy) is a flame-belching hemi-powered travesty.

But the worst thing about it?

"Democracy" requires trust to function. When the people start to believe there's one system for those in power, and one for everyone else, people are justified in not trusting their government. And given that the Administration *has* used not only its bully pulpit, but its bureaucracy to sandbag and attack American dissenters in ways big and small (putting dissenter groups on watch lists, subjecting conservative groups to extra-special IRS scrutiny, sending guns across the border to try to discredit American gun owners and dealers, lying about Obamacare and the Iran non-treaty treaty), and now this?

Perfect illustration of the hypocrisy; a Navy sailor is looking at six years in Federal prison for taking pictures inside a submarine. NOT putting them out on a server where any Chinese hacker can get 'em; nothing of the sort.

Why should we, the people, think that our government HASN'T become the unresponsive, unaccountable tyranny our forefathers feared?

So who was the woefully naive bobblehead who uttered the quote I cited at the beginning of this post?

If only the GOP had a presidential candidate who didn't look for a pile of feces to dive bomb in after the Dem candidate stepped in one.


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