Tuesday, July 09, 2024

They're ridin' with Biden

The chanting points have been deployed in the effort to justify the walking cadaver in the White House seeking reelection.

Erick Erickson explains

(O)n July 5, 2024, (NY Times columnist) Peter Baker....wrote a fawning profile of the Democrats’ “open conversation” about Joe Biden contrasted to the Republicans closing ranks around Donald Trump, “a convicted felon.”

To show you how echo-chambery the press is, Baker’s piece appeared the morning of July 5, and later that day Brian Stelter went on CNN to talk to former Obama employee turned CNN Anchor Jim Scuitto and claimed the press, which had behind the public on opinions about Biden had now rushed ahead of the public on Biden. Likewise, parroting Baker, Stelter opined that this just showed the asymmetry of the parties, with one having an open conversation about replacing its candidate and the other refusing to do so.

Stelter can pat himself on the back for parroting Baker from that morning, but both missed a key point.

The Republicans went through an open primary process with multiple vigorous debates and the voters chose to stick with Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, the Democrats shut down primaries, punished states that went out of turn and stacked the deck for Joe Biden
(just ask MN Congressman Dean Phillips - ed.).

So after all that, most elected Democrats have conceded that Biden is staying in the race since both he and the First Lady have dismissed any notion that he's even considering dropping out. And while most Congressional Dems are in the acceptance stage of grief, the vulnerable members are firmly entrenched in depression


Just before House Democrats' Tuesday morning "come-to-Jesus" meeting on President Biden's path forward, a smaller group of swing-district Democrats held what sources described as a despondent gathering with "actual tears."

Why it matters: The bloc of battleground House Democrats is one of the last firm pockets of a rapidly disintegrating movement on Capitol Hill to get Biden off the ticket.

  • One shell-shocked lawmaker who was present at the meeting would offer only one word to characterize it: "Intense."
  • Another described the mood as "pretty much unanimous" that Biden has "got to step down," adding, "There were actual tears from people, and not for Biden."

Zoom out: Democrats' full caucus meeting was far less unanimous, with lawmakers both defending Biden and airing concerns about his ability to take on former President Trump, attendees told Axios.

  • One House Democrat who was in both meetings said: "Most of our caucus is still with him ... meaning he'll stay in. Which sucks for our country."
  • Going in and out of the meeting, several House Democrats who have previously raised concerns about Biden said they are now with him: "Whether or not I have concerns is besides the point. He is going to be our nominee, and we all have to support him," said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.).

The fact is there were warning signs during the 2020 campaign that Biden was unwell, but such observations were dismissed as being part of the rIgHt WiNg AtTaCk MaChInE. But now that the coordinated cover up has come back to bite progs in their collective asses, they are helpless to stop this burst dam. Even though they were handed the gift of the maniacal Donald Trump as the GOP opponent, Dems now realize there is a nonzero chance that on January 20, 2025, Republicans will have all three legs (POTUS, House and Senate) of power in Washington, D.C. And they will have no one but themselves to blame. 


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