Monday, July 22, 2024

As expected......

In my blog post promoting Sunday's radio show, I suggested that President Joe Biden would announce he would not seek reelection during the broadcast. Sure enough, shortly after I went on air, the official word came down. 

While Biden has endorsed VP Harris to be the 2024 presidential candidate, major Democrat power brokers (including Barack Obama) have refused to do so, essentially leaving the matter to the delegates at next month's Democratic National Convention. And while the assumption is Harris will be anointed the nominee, we can't rule anything out. 

Regardless, the Republicans have a golden opportunity to define Harris over the next few weeks since since she doesn't have access to the Biden war chest due to her not being the official candidate. As such, she is unable to run competing ads. Meanwhile, Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee have been awash in fundraising cash over the past couple of months after Trump's conviction in the sham "hush money" trial in NYC as well as the aftermath of last weekend's assassination attempt of the former POTUS. 

Within minutes of Biden's announcement, MAGA, Inc. was ready with their first strike. 

Between her disastrous 2020 run for POTUS as well as her tenure as Vice President, there have been multiple news stories of Harris performing a "reboot" due to multiple mass exoduses of staff in each capacity. This is her last chance to prove to the American people that can she can hang. But if Trump and the Republicans can sow seeds of doubt in Harris's ability to be an effective leader, that could well lead to an "open convention" at the DNC next month. And if we know anything about modern political history, any party engaging in an open convention results in their candidate losing in the general election. 

With all that said, now is not the time for Republicans to get cocky


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