Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCLIII

 - It's being reported that President Joe Biden is finally acknowledging reality - specifically how more and more Americans don't believe he's able to effectively lead America, much less serve another four years.

Vice President Kamala Harris would be the natural replacement to run for President should Biden not continue. The problem there is she's even more unpopular than her boss, which has many Democrat officials looking for a way to prop up a different candidate. As such, Elie Mystal conveys the sentiment of what many black progs are likely thinking. 

Perhaps the best part of all this? 

Huh. Maybe an old dog can learn new tricks. 

- A guy who referred to some women as the "c-word" on multiple occasions has thoughts. 

I know Shawn a little bit and am surprised he would employ such tactics. I'll have to find out more, but this is certainly unacceptable if indeed White's allegations are true. 

Regardless, White's finger-wagging here is on par with Charlie Sheen chiding a dude for having a one night stand.  

-  There's an old joke that goes "How do ya know someone has run a marathon? Don't worry, they'll constantly remind you."

That joke's punchline now seems to be applicable to certain Minnesota conservatives who've moved out of Minny to red states like Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Texas, etc. 

While I'm not bothered by the occasional end zone happy dances and/or gloat fests over being gone from this dysfunctional state, I'm downright perplexed at those who angrily post rants on social media about said dysfunction. Look, y'all left this state for a reason, many of you conveying that it had become a lost cause. Not really sure why you continue to drive yourself crazy over an area you believed couldn't be salvaged. For all the rejoicing you southern transplants do over an improved state of mind, such obsessions over your former home can't be good for your mental health. 

Let it go already.


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