Friday, June 04, 2021

The Chronicles of NARN

My friend and Northern Alliance Radio Network colleague Mitch Berg posted this tweet 10 years ago today: 

Yes, it's true. I've had my own weekly radio show for ten years.

When I began this endeavor, I couldn't have possibly envisioned a scenario where I would still be chugging along after a full decade, but here I am. I've said often that I have received much more out of my weekly show than I have ever put into it. Honestly, it almost feels as if I'm stealing. 

I'll probably take the first segment of the show on Sunday to give thanks to those who have supported me in this little side hustle as well as express gratitude for those who ultimately opened the door. It's not hyperbole when I say that I could take multiple segments on the show to thank all those who've had an impact, big or small. 

Obviously all good things come to an end. So when the time comes for me to move on from this blessed opportunity of hosting a radio show, I'll be able to do so knowing that I never took a millisecond of air time for granted. To know how fortunate I am is in and of itself a tremendous blessing. 

Until then.................


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