Thursday, June 24, 2021

Never go full Swalwell

Our own President of the United States, who once again is making a push for "gun control," went full Swalwell.

According to many progs, all that's required to take on the government is hundreds of MAGA-hat wearing people with Trump flags shouting "USA! USA!" I mean, the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 was, according to many proggies, an event more calamitous than the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

But seriously, Biden is such a doddering a old fool for many reasons here, not the least of which his talk of deploying nukes. Does he honestly believe military personnel, the folks who have sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic, would carry through with an order to nuke American citizens? I'm guessing this is why Biden and his ilk are attempting to inject "wokeness" into the U.S. military so as to pack in enough SJW hamsters who believe the country they're supposed to defend is actually the scourge of the world. It's also rather telling that a sitting U.S. President would suggest employing mutually assured destruction in an effort thwart American citizens staunchly defending their Constitutional rights. 

One final thought: Does this mean the "defund the police" movement is dead among Biden et al? If not, then how exactly would you enforce the "gun control" laws you desire to pass?


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