Friday, June 28, 2024

Panic! At The DNC

I'm not certain what has Democrats more panicked: that the walking cadaver in the White House continues to deteriorate before our eyes or that they can no longer lie to Americans (at least not convincingly) about President Joe Biden's condition. 

After the first (and perhaps last?) presidential debate between Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday, the President could not even function properly in a format which best suited what little abilities he has remaining. 

Upon conclusion of the debate, many leftist talking heads were now willing to state the obvious: Biden is not a viable candidate going forward. 

Biden all but said at his State of the Union address a few months ago that it will essentially require a lead pipe and an ether-soaked rag to stop him from seeking reelection. Lord knows his dysfunctional family is not equipped to have that difficult conversation. 

Is it possible that Biden could be replaced as the Democrat candidate at the party's convention in less than two months? From what I've gathered, that would trigger a legal quagmire if delegates do not represent the will of Dem primary voters, of which an overwhelming majority voted for Biden. It appears they're stuck with him going forward. 

One theory floating out there was that some Dems pined for this early debate date so they could justify wanting to dissolve Biden's campaign given his feeble nature. Had the first debate occurred in the normal time frame of September, the Democrat National Convention would have occurred already, thus Biden would be the airtight nominee with no opportunities to replace him as the Dem candidate (short of his becoming incapacitated or dying of course). Personally I don't buy that theory since many of these same people were insisting that Biden was as sharp as ever when engaged in private endeavors. Nah, I'm more inclined to believe that Dems are so firmly entrenched in their bubble that they believed Trump's erratic behavior (like he exhibited in the first debate back in 2020) would elicit sympathy for Biden. And while Trump himself didn't exactly have a stellar night, he at least wasn't a frothing loon, which appeared to be the only criteria he had to meet to best the President in this encounter. 

In the end, we've been told that team Biden sequestered him away at Camp David for the entire week in preparation for this debate, yet could do little more than mumble incoherently through much of the night. If a President of the United States can't put forth a more credible performance despite all those circumstances, how can anyone believe he's that actively engaged in running America, much less possessing the ability to do so for another four years? 

Anybody know where I can get one of those upside down American Flags?


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