Thursday, May 16, 2024

Acceptable bigotry

Hat tip to my friend Jeff Kolb, who unearthed bigoted tweets put forth by the Legislative Assistant to MN State Sen. Erin Maye Quade (DFL-Apple Valley). 

Fox 9's Seth Kaplan confirmed that Ayana Smith-Kooiman has retained her position as an L.A. despite such inappropriate rhetoric. 

The anti-Israel sentiments (and, by extensions, bigotry towards Jews) has so permeated much of the left that anyone with a pro-Israel worldview is subject to hostile treatment, even if they're members of the same political party. 

Sen. Ron Latz (DFL-St. Louis Park) is as leftist as they come. But ever since he publicly spoke out against attacks on Israel (to say nothing of the fact he is Jewish), Latz has been persona non grata among many elected DFL'ers. And typically when there is a policy disagreement among members, it's hashed out behind closed doors. Ah, but Latz wasn't afforded that courtesy earlier this week.

Combine that with the fact that Senate DFL Chief of Staff Carly Melin was essentially relieved of her duties about a month before this legislative session due to what Melin alleged was her husband Joe Radinovich's support for Israel (Melin considered a lawsuit, but she ultimately reached a settlement with the Senate). 

In the end, this is all hubris on steroids. The DFL has been so drunk on its absolute power over these past two legislative sessions that they don't care one iota how brazen they appear. There's no better example of that belief than the allowance of one their own members to literally be the deciding vote on critical legislation despite said member being credibly accused of felony burglary.

If the DFL doesn't lose their House majority this November, I don't believe there's any turning back. 


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