Friday, March 22, 2024

Calling out progs' disingenuousness

I said just last week how elected Dems' approach to stemming the tide of "gun violence" was long on grandstanding and woefully short on substance. 

Kudos to Minnesota State Senator (and longtime friend of the Northern Alliance Radio Network) Julia Coleman for calling 'em on it. 

Of all the gun legislation which has been passed at the Federal and State levels over the years, it has had little to no meaningful impact on "gun violence." If anything, these laws have served to undermine law abiding citizens' attempts to purchase firearms, thus inhibiting their opportunities to defend themselves and their loved ones when facing a lethal threat.

Legislation to increase the penalties for a straw purchase has been something which Second Amendment advocates as well as pro-2A representatives have been pushing for long before the tragedy in Burnsville last month. But since that isn't a sexy enough headline for gun grabbers as would be in the aftermath of an "assault weapons ban," they view a stalemate as more valuable, which in turn allows them to fundraise off such chanting points as "rEpUbLiCaNs CaRe MoRe AbOuT gUnS tHaN tHe ChIlDrEn." 

But now that there's been a high profile tragedy where harsher punishment for a straw purchase may have had an impact, the Minnesota DFL looks to jump on the bandwagon. By hijacking Sen. Coleman's bill. Y'know, the one that passed unanimously out of committee last year only to be blocked from a floor vote this session?

This is a function of being drunk on power. I don't doubt that DFLers got such a high over leftist media fawning over they and their 2023 passed legislation that they just aren't willing to allow anyone else (i.e. eeeeeeevil Republicans) an opportunity to pass substantive measures which will actually benefit all Minnesotans. 

So the next time the progressive death cult accuses right wingers of playing politics with people's lives, this incident alone is validation that it's Imax theater level projection. 


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