Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Quick Hits: Volume CCCXXVI

 - I've been saying for some time now that President Joe Biden will not be the Democrat candidate for President in 2024. That's not to say he's going to die as much as it is that his team will no longer be able to keep up the façade of his being mentally and physically capable of the campaign grind. Team Biden's unwitting admission of this fact has been apparent for a while now. 

Less than two months ago Biden surrogates attempted to photoshop his physical superiority to his likely GOP opponent Donald Trump. Now? They're employing tactics just to keep Biden upright

President Biden and his campaign are working on a critical project for his re-election bid: Make sure he doesn't trip.

Driving the news: As voters express deep concerns about the 80-year-old president's age and fitness for office, Biden's team is taking extra steps to prevent him from stumbling in public — as he did in June, when he tripped over a sandbag at the Air Force Academy.

  • With a physical therapist, Biden has been doing exercises to improve his balance as far back as November 2021.
  • Since his stumble in June, he has been wearing tennis shoes more often to avoid slipping — and using the short stairs on Air Force One, entering the plane on a lower deck than before.

Why it matters: Democrats, including some in the administration, are terrified that Biden will have a bad fall — with a nightmare scenario of it happening in the weeks before the November 2024 election.

Zoom in: Some senior Democrats privately have been frustrated with Biden's advance team for months, citing the sandbag incident and noting that the president often appears not to know which direction to go after he speaks at a podium.

  • Often without context, Republicans have used video clips of Biden looking confused about where to go after speeches to raise further questions about his age.

Sorry, progs. The ol' "Republicans POUNCE!" retort isn't going to save y'all on this one.  

- I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but these certain legal decisions get my wheels spinning. I'll come back to that. 

But first......

The legal officials making these decisions are of the far left political ilk. The issue in which leftists are the most insufferable demagogues is in the area of what they call "gun violence." 

So what's my "theory" you may ask? 

Well, by giving a slap on the wrist to repeat offenders who commit gun crimes, said criminals are highly likely to re-offend. With guns. Meaning progs will cite more instances of gun crimes to use as fodder to in an attempt to enact "gun control." 

So do I believe that's what's taking place here, legal officials are deliberately kicking cases to strengthen their "gun control" arguments? Nah. Admittedly that's pretty far fetched. But will gun grabbers unashamedly continue to use any crime involving guns as a way to demagogue for "gun control" as opposed to demanding more accountability from judges and prosecuting attorneys who are unwittingly exacerbating the crime problem? Without. A. Doubt.

- This is what it's all about. 

That's Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly sharing his personal testimony of what lead to his baptism at age 63. 

Kelly experienced professional heartbreak by failing to deliver his beloved city of Buffalo a Super Bowl championship despite guiding his Buffalo Bills to the big game in four consecutive seasons. But that doesn't even register in the adversity realm when you consider he had to bury a son as well as personally enduring two grueling bouts with cancer. 

Despite all that, Kelly is now experiencing perfect peace. And he is acknowledging the ultimate Source in those triumphs over personal trials. 

God bless, Jim!


1 comment:

jerrye92002 said...

I have a real puzzlement for you. Let us presume, as appears likely at this point, that Trump and Biden become the nominees during their respective conventions in the summer of 2024. This assumes that they can continue to hide Biden's obvious mental and physical Deficiencies until then, Which if they can't create a whole different range of Scenarios. The question here is: what happens if, after Biden secures the nomination, he keels over and becomes totally incapacitated? does he stay on the ballot? it is not obvious that a Republican could win even over a dead man, but is that a possibility?