Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Quick Hits: Volume CCCXXI

 - The gaslighter-in chief is at it again.

Brad Polumbo of Based Politics gives a very simple and effective dissection of this chanting point. 


President Biden either knows this is false and thus is willfully lying to Americans or his administration is woefully ignorant on basic economics. I'll let you determine which is worse. 

- I've said it many times in this space but it bears repeating: you'll not see more unhinged racism and bigotry than you'll witness from leftists when discussing female and/or minority conservatives. 

But if a black female Democrat legislator switches party affiliation to a Republican?!?! The reaction would be about as maniacal as you'd expect (or worse). Don't believe me? Georgia State Rep. Mesha Mainor, who recently defected to the GOP, shares the verbal abuse she's endured since her party switch. 

- Donald Trump is whining over the fact he's expected to debate his GOP presidential primary opponents. His rationale is that he has maintained such a substantial lead over the rest of the field that it's actually "unfair" he's expected to participate in these forums. 

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air explains that Trump is somewhat delusional in his expectation that he oughta be given a clear path to the nomination. 

Trump is not an incumbent, which he obviously understands, but it’s clear that he thinks he should be treated as an incumbent by his party with a free pass to the nomination. Trump appears to be basing that on two points: his status as a former incumbent in 2020, as well as polling leads now. But neither of those are terribly convincing, especially the argument as a former incumbent. He’s a former incumbent because he lost the election in 2020, whether he wants to admit it or not, against the same Joe Biden who will run for re-election in a country that usually favors incumbent first-termers. That in itself would recommend a competitive test for Trump in this cycle before the party commits itself to him for a re-run.

It's interesting that Trump is of this mindset given that he relishes humiliating his opponents for sport. If you recall in 2016, he was especially ruthless towards a guy like Jeb Bush who had little to no chance at the GOP nomination. Nevertheless, Trump brutalized the guy because of of the policies of Jeb's brother George W. Bush when he was President. 

I'm guessing Trump is finally starting to feel the heat of all his legal battles, so he's looking to cut back on as much as he can of this pesky presidential campaign stuff.


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