Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Quick Hits: Volume CCCXIX

 - The 2SLGBTQIA+ crowd (yes, I just learned 2S is a thing) and their "allies" take great exception to some of their members being labeled as "groomers." Such a label was affixed when dudes in drag started "twerking" in front of kids. Ah, but we were emphatically told that such incidents were isolated and that the majority of kids' exposure to drag queens was merely having books read to them. 

So when shocking video footage emerged from Pride parades over the weekend, including an LGBTQ group chanting that they're coming for kids, leftist TV network NBC went into spin mode. 

Then we see this: 


What a remarkable coincidence. Dare I say "mission accomplished?"

- Vice President Kamala Harris has a historically low approval rating, plummeting to a net-negative of -17. 

I guess we're all racist misogynists now, eh Jimmy Kimmel

- The son of a far left former MN state rep was charged with 10 counts of vehicular homicide by a typically lenient prog county attorney. No political favors. No grandstanding by Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty. Granted these should be low bars to clear but with a society teetering ever closer to a Banana Republic, this almost seemed to be going along too smoothly.

Leave it to the radical Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to attempt to muddy the waters

Somali Americans grieving the five young women killed by a speeding driver want answers.

Among their questions: Who was responsible for the unauthorized release of the crash video that went viral on social media? Why did the suspect in the crash, Derrick Thompson, have his license reinstated in Minnesota after he was imprisoned for a 2018 hit-and-run in California? What was the involvement of the state trooper who began following Thompson's rented SUV after it sped past him on Interstate 35W just before the SUV left the interstate and slammed into the women's car?

"We are asking the governor of the state of Minnesota to create an independent investigation into this case," said Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Minnesota.

Emphasis was mine. 

While outrage over the release of video footage is a red herring, I concur that there has to be answers for why Thompson had his license reinstated. But the insinuation that law enforcement was at all complicit in this incident smacks of mere pig piling upon Minneapolis' favorite foil -- the cops. 

The Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association responded: 

This incident was avoidable and never should have happened, so I can certainly understand how a community is struggling to come to grips with this senselessness. But this appears to be nothing more than a situation where a young man's poor life choices resulted in the tragic deaths of five innocent people. As such, the women and their families will get justice since Thompson will likely never see the light of day again. Focusing energy elsewhere will only serve to gouge at already deep emotional wounds. 


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