Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Use it or lose it

In the aftermath of the Allen, TX mall shooting, the typical shrieks of "GUN CONTROL NOW!!!!" ensued from the usual suspects. Despite high profile spree killings seeming to occur at an alarming rate recently, staunch gun rights advocates still pack the rhetorical gear to beat back gun grabbers' vapid chanting points. 

That said, is it fair to ask if these same passionate 2A supporters are packing literal gear? For my money, Jerah Hutchins conveys a deeper issue

Here’s the unfortunate truth. It shouldn’t be on us, but it is. If we are going to tout being from the amazing, no BS state of TEXAS, then we better start acting like it again.

This shit happens because we allow it. We talk all damn day about how much we love #2A and our right to defend ourselves, yet we DON’T DO IT. Evil will NEVER be eradicated and all we can do is control what we can. And that is our own preparedness. No law… current or future… is going to stop bad people from getting guns. Therefore, we have to respect what is currently in place, and defend physically what we cannot control legislatively.

Think about the lives that could have been saved had someone at that mall been prepared to act. It is OUR responsibility to protect ourselves and our community. If you think #2A isn’t becoming a ”use it or lose it” right, you’re insane. The more this happens, and the less we respond… the easier it will be for them to take your right to defense away. You watch.

Go. To. The. Range.

Carry. Everyday.

Check out her monologue in the video below (WARNING: at least one f-bomb). 

Truth be told, I'd prefer not to own guns, much less carry when I'm out and about. However, Jerah is spot on when she says evil exists and no amount of feel good, hippy-dippy Pablum is going to eradicate that. And while I've lauded the quick arrival of first responders to the shootings at Nashville Covenant school, Old National Bank (Louisville, KY) and Allen Outlet Mall, the fact is multiple atrocities can occur in the, at best, 5 minutes it requires for law enforcement to arrive on scene. 

Gun free zone (like the Allen mall) or not, we the people have to be more diligent about our safety. Yes, morally it shouldn't be that way, but as someone once said -  "Facts don't care about your feelings." 


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