Friday, March 04, 2022

Progs' new obsession

Without a President Donald Trump to kick around, leftist progs are focusing their ire on a new boogie man: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

The latest incident which has progs clutching their veritable pearls occurred this past Wednesday morning: 

In a story that didn't deserve to be breathing past Wednesday, NBC News included it in their Thursday evening newscast, which featured one of the students and his mother. 

So I guess we're just gonna gloss over the part where DeSantis said "If you want to wear it, fine....," huh. 

Look, it wasn't like DeSantis and his handlers browbeat the kid into removing his mask. He took it off on his own accord while the young man to his right kept his on. I mean, if secular progressives believe teens can now decide on their own to have an abortion or transition to a different sex, why are they getting the vapors over the kids making a personal choice here??? This is yet another classic example of narrative journalism where a leftist media outlet (in this case NBC News) declares DeSantis the "face of controversy" when the vast majority of the flippin' country agrees with him. 

In the end, this is just an attempt (albeit futile) to cripple DeSantis' electoral prospects in the event he ever chooses to run for President. It was sport for the media to ding Trump because they knew his response would be disproportional to the criticism lobbed his way. But DeSantis is the left's worst nightmare because he has a substantive bite in his responses to attacks levied towards him. 

In other words, bring it on, progs. 


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