Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Not a fan

On Monday, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) posted a video of his signing into law the banning of vaccine passports in his state. 

I'd be curious to see a Venn diagram of those who adamantly oppose forcing a bakery to design cakes for a gay wedding and those who approve of this new legislation in Texas. If people were consistent, the two circles would be proverbial owl eyes. Seriously, can someone explain how the Texas government imposing its will on private businesses is dramatically different from the "Bake the cake, bigot!" philosophy? 

To me this is simple. If a business requires me to show proof of vaccination, I quietly state my objection by taking my business elsewhere (and I say this as someone who is fully vaccinated). I would imagine a lot of Americans share that sentiment, so the good ol' free market (remember that concept, conservatives?) would likely dictate that a majority of businesses would decline to require "vaccine passports."

As Allahpundit notes at Hot Gas Air, this particular legislation seems like overkill. 


Business owners won’t want to leave money on the table by turning unvaccinated customers away, especially if they’re vaccinated themselves and thus at little risk of infection. If they want to take precautions, they can always require something less intrusive like mask-wearing on the premises instead. Besides, as the summer wears on and more Texans slowly come around to getting vaccinated, the problem of unvaccinated customers will slowly decline as well. Abbott isn’t striking a meaningful blow for the unvaccinated here, in other words, he’s striking a symbolic blow at public-health experts and vaccinated Americans who’d rather not run any risk of being crowded into a small retail space with an unvaxxed person who might be infected. If you can’t do something useful to improve your voters’ lives, you can at least bring grief to their enemies. That’s the GOP’s motto in 2021 and that’s what Abbott did here.

Passing intrusive laws to own the libs, eh? I was really hoping that the GOP would abandon that concept upon Donald Trump's departure from the White House. Sad!


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