Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Political terrorism

I'm pleasantly surprised that there's been solid media coverage regarding two MN House GOP candidates (Sarah Anderson in HD 44A and Shane Mekeland in 15B) having been physically assaulted over the past week. Thankfully there are people of interest whom the police are looking into.

In addition to those two disturbing incidents involving state House candidates, there are also shenanigans afoot in my home city of Ramsey. Richard Wulf, who is vying for mayor of Ramsey, has been the victim of some downright demented activity.

I decided to run for Mayor of Ramsey because I felt the city was not looking out for our best interest. However, I never expected my opposition's supporters to stoop this low.

Let me tell you how my week has gone. On Monday morning before work my wife found a beer bottle and I found a bottle of liquor on our property. We don't drink. Since then, someone wrote "F U"on the back of my truck, released air on my back tire, and stole one of my car magnets. 6 ducks and 3 chickens have mysteriously died which I believe there is rat poison by the duck coop. And today we had to rush one of our horses to the emergency vet hospital because she looked like she was dying. A lot of liquid was coming out of her nose, she was refusing to move and her eyes were glazed over. Luckily a vet came out and gave her meds. She is at the vet hospital right now and the next 12 hours will tell us if she is going to make it. All of this in less than one week.

If anyone knows something about this please tell the Ramsey police because this behavior cannot be tolerated.

While the mayoral race is technically nonpartisan, the local Republican party "recommended" Wulf over his opponent (and current Ramsey City Council member) John LeTourneau. I'm not 100% sold on Mr. Wulf's assertion that Letourneau's supporters are responsible for this despicable activity. However, my friend and fellow Ramsey resident Jason Tossey (who also served on the City Council 5+ years ago) I believe is on the right track regarding the perps.

(T)here are people in the shadows in Anoka County who do this stuff on behalf of people who have a financial interest in who gets elected. They are not part of any campaign, but are loosely affiliated with political action committees and special interests.

Indeed, it was the 2012 election cycle when the deep pockets of these special interests bought and paid for an entirely new city council and mayor. As a result, the new regime advocated for subsidized apartments to be built on the large swath of vacant land at the southwest end of town, right across from the Northstar Rail platform. The new apartments were earmarked for that location in an effort to lure young people who prefer to take the train to downtown Minneapolis as opposed to drive. In my opinion, it was a preposterous notion from the start given the Northstar limits its service mainly to workday commuting hours.

At the end of the day, the lust for power is turning people into subhumans. Some of you may believe that my description of these events as political "terrorism" is a bit heavy handed given that people normally reserve such a word for radical Islamists who are willing to die for a cause while taking scores of "infidels" with them. But given these awful activities likely dissuade many from seeking elected office, it's safe to say that it is due in large part to people feeling overcome with terror (i.e. terrorized).


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