Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCLVI

 - I'm not saying I am personally pining for this scenario, but.....

The best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for former President Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly. GOP leaders won’t tell you that on the record. I just did.

Trump will never concede defeat, no matter how thorough his loss. Yet the more decisively Vice President Kamala Harris wins the popular vote and electoral college the less political oxygen he’ll have to reprise his 2020 antics; and, importantly, the faster Republicans can begin building a post-Trump party.

Harris is less a doctrinaire progressive than she is up for grabs on policy, but any liberal course she takes would be constrained by a GOP-held Senate. No, that’s not a sure thing, but it’s the safest electoral bet in this turbulent election. What is virtually certain come January is that conservatives will have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, which will also serve as a check on the law and rulemaking coming out of a Democratic White House.

Harris is effectively an emergency nominee, has few policy proposals, scant governing history in Washington and a history of churning through staff. Oh, and she would be the first Democrat to enter the presidency since 1884 without majorities in both chambers, should Republicans flip the Senate.

That adds up to a recipe for gridlock — and perhaps some deal-making to fund the government and avoid across-the-board tax hikes — but not a Scandinavian social welfare state.

While many far leftists shriek that Trump is the "gReAtEsT tHrEaT tO oUr DeMoCrAcY" and will no doubt pitch many fits were he to prevail, others may extract a silver lining. Specifically, enough progs know Harris is awful and thus a more formidable (in their minds at least) POTUS candidate would be able run in 2028 since there'd no incumbent. However, if a Harris reelection campaign occurs in '28, would the likes of Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or Josh Shapiro be willing to wait until 2032?

At the end of the day, Trump may lose, but I don't see a Harris landslide. So what then? All I know is regardless of who emerges victorious in this race, the post-election climate will be awful.....again.

- The country of Brazil bans the social media platform formerly known as Twitter

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison's reaction? 

Translation: Thank you, Brazil.

To summarize: a sitting Attorney General of an American state lauds another country censoring speech. 

Cool, cool. 

- A horrific incident at a Georgia high school on Wednesday. 


At least four people are dead Wednesday and a 14-year-old boy (who, SURPRISE, was already on the FBI's radar - ed.) is in custody after opening fire at a high school in north central Georgia and putting the building on lockdown, authorities said.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) confirmed that four people died at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia — approximately 40 miles northeast of Atlanta – and nine others were taken to various hospitals with gunshot wounds. The suspect is alive and in custody (Thanks to a good guy with a gun - ed.).

Naturally, the typical gun-grabbing demagoguery occurred, including from the current Democrat presidential candidate. And of course, they conveniently ignore that it's policies they support which allow such incidents to happen. 


Even those who aren't passionate about firearms or the 2nd Amendment are becoming red-pilled, particularly in light of literal foreign invasions of American cities. And since agencies like the FBI and ATF continually fail citizens, many are beginning to ascertain that they need to start fending for themselves. 

In short, attempting to go door-to-door to confiscate firearms will not end well for the government. 


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