Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lying in order to preserve infanticide

Leftist ghouls (including the Democrat nominee for President) are politicizing the death of Georgia woman Amber Thurmon to justify their radical stance on abortion. 

Erick Erickson, conservative commentator and Georgia resident, explains

ProPublica, the deeply progressive news outlet that has disseminated false information about conservative Supreme Court justices, is reporting that a woman in Georgia died as a result of not being able to receive a legal abortion in the state.

Amber Thurmon suffered from sepsis in an Atlanta hospital after experiencing a rare side effect from an abortion pill. Without additional information, ProPublica extrapolated from publicly available details about the case that Thurmon died in a Georgia hospital because doctors refused to perform a procedure that is currently illegal in the state thanks to the fetal heartbeat law.

We now know that's not what happened, but no matter. When proggies glom on to a narrative which assists in forwarding their culture of death, no amount of facts are going to slow it down. 

Nevertheless, pro life advocate Kristan Hawkins lays it all out. 

Both Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance have been on record saying they support exceptions to abortion bans when it comes to the life of the mother. Again, that's not really relevant here since Ms. Thurmon's babies died as a result of the abortion pill. But even if this played out as Kamala Harris has said (i.e. the woman dying due to Georgia's law prohibiting abortion after six weeks), Trump himself is not the least bit culpable as he never signed any such legislation while President. Once again, progs are just hoping here that voters are too stupid to draw the distinction. 


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