Thursday, August 08, 2024

Worst of the worst

Just three years removed from a 93-win season, this year's Chicago White Sox are bad. Like, historically bad. I'll come back to that. 

But first, the obligatory firing of the manager occurred on Thursday morning. 

Grifol didn't even last two full seasons, yet his overall managerial record is 101 games under .500. ONE. HUNDRED. ONE. Oof. 

With a record of 28-89 this season, the Sox are on pace to finish 39-123. The previous worst one-season win percentage was by the expansion New York Mets of 1962, who sported a record of 40-120.

So how brutal are the pale hose this season outside of the obvious 61 games under .500? Well, they've had two absurdly long losing streaks in 2024 - a 14-game streak from May 22 thru June 6, and a 21-gamer from July 10 thru August 5. Hypothetically, let's say those 35 games never happened (I know. Work with me here). That would give the White Sox a record of 28-54, which would put them at a winning percentage of .341....which would still be the lowest win percentage among all teams in 2024.

Just stunning ineptitude. 


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