Friday, August 30, 2024

4 crying out loud.......

While CNN was airing its cringe-inducing interview with Dem presidential ticket Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Thursday evening, GOP candidate Donald Trump was once again attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 

Conservative commentator Steve Deace wrote Friday that Trump can still extend an olive branch to the most loyal GOP voter base (i.e. pro life voters) without being a purist on the issue.

History shows the weaker you are on protecting the right to life, the weaker you will be on protecting all of our God-given rights. So it is perfectly reasonable for reasonable people to be concerned. They're not haters, they're not purists, and they're not traitors. And ignore the grifters and paid influencers calling you that.

They are Americans, and they are well within their rights to want their God-given rights as Americans protected.

All Trump has to do is make it clear he opposes the Democrats' abortion amendment in Florida that will allow full-term babies to be executed, provided there's still a pinky toe in the birth canal. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Opposing abortion with no restrictions is an 80% issue with the American people. Trump is being offered a way lower standard for support than the vow to overturn Roe he made in 2016 and we are thankful he fulfilled. He doesn't even have to be pro-life for goodness sake, just not be for infanticide.

Thankfully, that's exactly what happened. 


Naturally the Harris campaign will continue to lie with impunity by stating that Trump, if elected President, will sign a "national abortion ban." It's bullsh*t of course, if for no other reason that such legislation would never even get to Trump's desk given Dem Senators would 1000% filibuster any attempts for such a bill to be passed. Also, Trump has clearly said that the abortion issue is a matter for the states to decide, and thus has vowed to veto a bill calling for a ban even after 15 weeks (which, again, would never even see the light of day in the Senate anyhow). 

In the end, Trump will do the right thing by voting "no" on Florida's Amendment 4, but my goodness is it an exhaustive process to get him there. 


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