Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Quick Hits: Volume CCCXVIII

 - Five young women were killed last Friday evening when a 27-year old man named Derrick Thompson burst through a red light at a high speed and t-boned the vehicle containing the women (WARNING: video footage of the incident is quite shocking). Thompson, who is the son of former Minnesota State Rep. John Thompson (DFL-St. Paul), had previously been convicted of a reckless driving charge in 2018 while in California. He was released early despite receiving a sentence of 8 years

What's telling is that there seems to be more outrage over unauthorized release of video footage of this incident as opposed to how a convicted felon was able to get out of a previous jail sentence so early. And given the fecklessness of new Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty, there's legit concern that the younger Thompson may not be sufficiently punished for this latest incident. 

Gov. Tim Walz weighed in on Monday. 

Funny how Walz shows disdain for those who extend thought and prayers to the families of shooting victims, yet here he deems it sufficient when a repeat felon (and son of a 2020 legislative candidate whom Walz endorsed) kills five ladies traveling to a family member's wedding. 

But don't think for one second progs didn't attempt to deflect attention away from the actual person responsible for this tragedy.

Co-opting Juneteenth in an attempt to own the cops. Soulless ghouls. 

- Just gonna leave these here: 

A friendly reminder: A GOP presidential candidate likely has zero path to 270 Electoral Votes without Arizona and Georgia (see: 2020 presidential election).  

- As Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) found out when visiting the venomous panel on ABC's The View, progs don't much care for black folks like himself who don't believe America is an oppressively racist nation. 

Then last week, former President Barack Obama took exception to Scott's notion that grit and determination are enough for any American (yes, even black people) to attain success in this country. But as Erick Erickson astutely observes, Scott would seem to have more credibility than Obama in this debate. 


Tim Scott grew up in the heart of the Confederacy — Charleston, SC — and was raised in working-class poverty as the descendant of slaves and went to public schools.

Barack Obama is a descendant of Irish settlers on his mother’s side, and his father is from Kenya. Tim Scott is the descendant of slaves on both sides.

It is really notable that Obama and Scott are both from broken homes, but the one who got to travel the world and go to a private school in Hawaii wants to lecture the South Carolina descendant of slaves about race and opportunity in America.

Democrats fear Tim Scott. He is a threat to their coalition, and Barack Obama knows it. 

It's doubtful Tim Scott will break through to be the GOP nominee for President next year. That said, whomever emerges as the Republican candidate would be wise to have a place for Scott in their general election campaign.  


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