Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The prog approved chanting points are out

Old and busted: We must count every vote.

New hotness: The votes cast in the 2022 midterms will mean the end of democracy

Oh, and if you're concerned about economic issues and out of control inflation? The people who elevated Hitler to power were wrapped up in those issues too, y'know. 


It never ceases to amaze how these frothing loons haven't learned a single thing from how someone like Donald J. Trump can be elected President. I'm an unwitting ally of the left when it comes to not wanting Trump to ever set foot in the White House again. However, whether the left realizes it or not, their words and actions are elevating such prospects to nonzero. 


1 comment:

jerrye92002 said...

Simple question: Is it /possible/ to have Trumpism without Trump? His one great attribute, for me, was his ability to really annoy all the right people. And his results were excellent, perhaps because of that?