Thursday, August 26, 2021

It's only getting worse

The title of this post can refer to multiple things, whether it's the harrowing situation in Afghanistan, the limited capacity of President Joe Biden being able to show competent leadership, etc. 

Events of Thursday morning underscored the former, which resulted in a real time look into the latter. 

A suicide bomb attack Thursday outside the Abbey Gate at Kabul's airport in Afghanistan killed 13 U.S. service members and injured at least 18 more, U.S. officials said – making it the deadliest day for U.S. troops in 10 years.

Officials told Fox News that those killed included 12 Marines and a Navy corpsman.

The suicide bomb attack was followed up by a firefight by Islamic State gunmen at the gate, where the night before there had been 5,000 Afghans and potentially some Americans seeking access to the airport to flee. Crowds had gathered for days seeking to escape the country, and there had been multiple warnings of a terror threat to the area – particularly from the Islamic State.

I am absolutely heartbroken for the families of those who perished in this attack. And yes, apparently thoughts and prayers are OK to extend in this situation when the incident can be linked to the decisions of the stumbling, bumbling Democrat occupant of the White House.

When Biden finally got around to making an official statement, even his most ardent allies (as well as a usually complicit media) couldn't hide the fact how degraded he's become. But since the President's past three pressers ended with his walking out of the room while media members shouted questions at him, Biden's handlers decided he would stay for inquiries.....but from specified members. 

In the end, this absolute debacle is what happens when you engage in symbolism over substance. Biden wanted the optics of being completely withdrawn from Afghanistan on the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil when last May would have been more opportune given the Taliban was otherwise occupied. Also, Biden might be encouraged to resign the presidency and allow his Vice President to step in if only he had selected a running mate with basic competence and seasoned political skills. But since his Veep selection was based on identity politics first, Biden stepping down is, amazingly enough, not the most viable option at this point. 

Privately or publicly, an awful lot of staunch Democrats (or committed anti-Trump folks) are conveying a semblance of this statement. 

I guess Biden calling a lid by late morning most days of the 2020 campaign shouldn't have been met with the proverbial "hand wave," eh?


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